Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Power Of A Cookie

Why is it that when you aren't feeling quite on top of your game, a cookie can make things seem better? I know that's a strange thought, but then what else are you to expect from me? That's just who I am.

I don't know, maybe it hails back to the days when I was a kid living at home and had no real responsibilities, other than just not getting into too much trouble. Those were simpler times for sure; no mortgage, or bills showing up all throughout the month with unseen people desiring to take the money that I've worked so hard for all week long.

I used my imagination a lot when I was a kid too. I always spent my days building up some fort, laying out some elaborate battle with my little plastic soldiers or riding my bike all around the neighborhood, pretending that it was a space ship taking me to different planets around the known galaxy. I love that one part about my life as a child the most I think.

I guess cookies have some unseen power which takes me back to those simpler days, and I like that every now and again, it does my heart good. How about you? What takes you back to your favorite days?

1 comment:

Cilla said...

Those were the days for sure...."Mom...I'm home!" This after walking home...times were safer then.
Outside in good weather, only coming in for supper and then homework afterwards.

Hmmm...what reminds me of those days..lazy, summer afternoons & all is quiet except for kids voices in the distance, the sound of a baseball being hit (thwack), the cicadas starting their buzz. Later on as it becomes dark, the lightning bugs start ot glow...adult voices murmuring on the porch or over in the side yard...unseen but comforting by their presence..