Thursday, June 9, 2011

Confessions Of A Male Chauvinist Pig

For years now I have been saddled with the impression that I am a male chauvinist pig. Why do I have that impression you ask? Quite simple actually, my mother told me so.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming my mother or anything like that, I love her very much, as any son should. I just remember years ago when we would talk, she would tell me, "You're just like your grandfather, (Her dad.) and he was a male chauvinist pig."

I'll be honest, for years I had no idea what she was even talking about, but I learned, and I guess I kind of accepted the fact that I must be. After all, if your momma tells you that you are something, then isn't that kind of true? I mean moms don't lie to us do they?

The definition of a male chauvinist pig is: A male chauvinist pig was a term used in the 1960's among feminist for men, usually with some power (Such as an employer or professor.), who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action.

I will admit that I have no problem expressing my opinions freely, if you have known me for any length of time you would agree. But I have never thought that men were superior to women. And especially since I've grown older, I've come to realize that women are for the most part smarter and even better looking than men.

I do believe that men can do some things better than women. Like for instance lifting heavy objects. Men have more red blood cells, which gives them the ability for greater strength. This is not a slam against women, because women as a general rule have a better threshold for pain. There are differences between the sexes, that much is true. But that doesn't make one better than the other. After all, I think a wise husband is one that leans on the strengths of his bride, and not one who ridicules her.

I do believe that we have lost a lot of things thanks in part to the feminist movement, and I'm not really sure that women have made the greatest leaps forward because of it. I have to admit that if I am a male chauvinist pig, it is not because I think women are any less than men, because God made us male and female on purpose. Adam was not lord over Eve, he was a co-laborer with her.

But I will have to go with what I heard Rush Limbaugh say one time; "I love the women's movement, especially when I'm walking behind it." Wait, does that make me a male chauvinist pig? Well, there's that. Strength and honor.

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