Saturday, October 23, 2010

When Did It Change?

I just got off the phone with my fifteen year old daughter. I had called her to let her know that a present she ordered for a friend had been delivered by the mailman. (I used the word "mailman" on purpose, it was a man who delivered it after all) I informed her of the present, her excitement was palpable and that brought a smile to my face. There is something in a father that gets very happy when his kids are happy.

I then asked her what her plans were for the day, and she listed them off one by one. I am attending a friend's wedding today, and this morning as I was getting ready for work I thought it might be fun to see if my daughter wanted to go with me. I told her that I hadn't been sure what she was doing, and thought if she wasn't doing anything she would like to go to the wedding with me. She said, "Sorry dad, I've got a pretty full day."

When did it change? I mean really, there was a time in my life when if I asked my kids if they wanted to do something with me, they jumped at the chance to go. Now don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that my kids have things to do. It's just now as I see them growing and maturing into young adults I miss the days of my babies being around all the time. Not that I regret anything about the past and my kids growing up. It just seems that one day I realized that I was no longer the center of their universe.

And that's not such a bad thing. I listen to my kids talk to other people now, and it makes me proud. I've got good kids that love God, have great friends and don't let anyone but God sway them in their thinking processes. My wife and I have instilled in them the things they need to be successful in life. And I am thankful to God for that.

I guess now that they are growing up, my bride and I should be gearing up for grand babies. In the future of course, the far, far future that is. Parenthood is the most difficult and yet rewarding thing that I have ever had the privilege to be a part of. Even when my kids can't do things with me...

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