Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Place In This World

A few minutes ago, I noticed a lady putting some groceries in her car. There were paper bags, plastic bags and a case of diet coke. She was a well dressed lady in her fifties, with a nice hairdo and had that nice look you know, in a grandmotherly sort of way.

As she moved to put away her grocery cart (buggy for my friends in the south), I couldn't help but wonder if she ever wonders about her place in the world. Did she marry, have children and possibly grandchildren? Was that what she even wanted? Is she a business woman, one of those who pioneered women in the workforce? What is her story I wondered.

As I thought about that, it occurred to me, do people ever think these kind of thoughts about me? And if so, do they ever want to ask me about them. Then I had another thought, is it really about what I want, or is it more about what God wants for me? Now there's a novel thought.

I think that we all spend our lives trying to get what we want for life, and in reality if we would spend that time talking to our Father God about what He wants for our lives, then we would really be fulfilled. I guess it just makes sense to ask the Creator of both the world and us what His design is for us.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King...

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