Sunday, October 24, 2010

Two Things

It is 8:23 AM, and the tempature is 63 degrees outside. As I stepped out on my porch this morning with a cup of joe in my hand I am struck with the thoughts of two things.

  1. Fall has arrived.

  2. I love this time of year.

As I look out towards the east I see a myriad of trees who's leaves have now begun to change their colors. There are yellows, reds, oranges and browns, and these basic rustic colors do something good to my soul. It's at times like this, when no one else is around that my heart longs for something deeper, something transcedent.

I think that this time of year is by far my favorite, even though it gets dark sooner, and we have to drag out the warmer clothes. Fall makes my heart come alive! In the movie Lord of the Rings, when the hobbits are in Rivendell it seems to be a place full of the perpetual state of the fall experience. The leaves are the most amazing colors, some silently fall to the ground in a graceful and natural ballet. There is a feeling of safety and familiarity in that image which reminds me of fall, and that does my heart good.

Fall, what a wonderful gift given to us by the Father. Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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