Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Place in the Story God's Telling

I had never thought of my life as being part of a story being told by God before I read the book "Epic" by John Eldredge. Epic is really a little bitty book, but one that tells a very large scale story. It describes the story that God is telling, and how it is set in various acts.

We as humans usually think that the story began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Yeah, that's kind of arrogant I guess, to think that it is all about us. Actually that part of the story is in Act 3, quite a while after everything else that is going on. There is a lot that has happened before man comes on the scene actually.

There is a Kingdom, with a Fellowship of Hearts that stay central to the entire story. They are the at the beginning of the story, and at the very ending as well. There is a betrayal by one who was as close as you could get to the Fellowship of Hearts without actually being one of them. An insurrection in the Kingdom and a great battle.

Then comes our part in the story. Adam and Eve in the Garden, but even that part of the story takes a drastic turn. One full of selfishness, hatred and disapointment. We are living in the tale end of Act 3 right now. Because we weren't left there at the mercy of an enemy who hated those who were made in the image of the Fellowship of Hearts. One of them came behind enemy lines so to speak and rescued us from the penalty of Adam and Eve's disobedience. Where if we choose to follow Him, we can be free from the enemy forever.

And that for me is where it gets interesting. You see, I tend to want to write my own part in this story. There is a script that is laid out for me, but there are days where I don't pay attention to it and just try to adlib my way through the story. Do you do that as well? I mean we have a Heavenly Father willing to show us daily what we are to do, yet we think we know better? Oh wicked man that I Paul said.

I am striving daily to spend more time with my Father, asking Him what it is that I should do. What part that He would have me play in His story. I have not perfected it, but I am trying. I want Him to say when I meet Him face to face, "Well done David. I'm proud of you." So until then, I will repent often, and keep my face in His Word and prayer.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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