Saturday, October 23, 2010

Eden...the Original Design

Have you ever felt like maybe there was just something more to be had? A longing for something deep in your soul, something you know you are suppose to have, but when you reach for it you feel it slip through your fingers like a vapor of smoke. It's there, but it's not a lingering thought, a shadow, or memory you think is your's but you're not sure.

I was reading through a passage of John Eldredge's book "Walking with God" this morning when I had that thought about Eden again. The one where I remember for a moment that I was made for Eden. That this world that I'm in right now was not God's origianl design, nor was it what He really had in mind for his creation, us, the ones who were made in His image.

I like to go back to Genesis and read the creation story from time to time. It's an amazing story of love, fellowship and friendship. One thing I remember in the book "Epic", also written by John Eldredge, is where he instructs the reader to stay in the creation story for a while. To not rush ahead to the fall of man, but to stay there in the garden and enjoy the glory of man, and all that entailed.

Adam and Eve lived an incredible story. They ruled over all the garden, tended to it and were able to enjoy all that God had provided for them in a bliss that I dare say none of us have ever known. In the cool of the evening, God would come and talk with them. What an awesome thing to get to do, fellowship with the Creator of all things, as a friend. Not a cringing servant, but a friend with all the benefits that come with that.

The life we live today often is so very far from the original design of God. We know we've fallen, and don't have Eden anymore. It's written on our souls, but there is a longing, a rememberance, that smoke through our fingertips if you will, of what we did have. I think it's there to remind us of what we had, so that we will look for Him and find our way back to that.

Jesus came and showed us the way to live in this world. We are overcomers, more than conquerors through Him that loved us. We can move mountains with our faith, and daily we get to go out and whip something. But for now, in this moment remember the original design. Think about the original glory that we held, and thank God for that.

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