Saturday, November 6, 2010

What Question Are You Asking?

In John 9:1-2 it says, Walking down the street, Jesus saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked, "Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?" As I read that I noticed something that made me sit up and say, "Huh?"

I think that it is just human nature to want to know why. The disciples have been walking with Jesus for a while at this point in the Scriptures, and have seen Him do some pretty amazing things; changing water into wine, healing the man at the pool of Bethesda, the feeding of the 5000 and even walking on water. What I found interesting, was the question they asked was who sinned, not will You heal this man Lord?

I know that I've been there. It's easier to try and figure out why a certain thing happened to someone more than looking to be the answer for them. I wonder if Jesus was waiting for the disciples to do something, and if so, was He disapointed at their response? How about you, when you see someone facing a trial or test in their life, do you rally to their side to support them? Or do you wonder and ask the question, "What did they do (who sinned?)to have that happen in their life?"

I felt this morning that the point of this story is not so much written for our benefit to teach us that Jesus heals (which of course He does) but for us to see what our response is to someone in need. Which question are we asking, who sinned or how can I help?

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