Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Do You Handle Disappointment?

Have you ever been looking forward to something only to have it fall through at the last minute? What was your initial reaction? What did you say or do? Were you angry with how things turned out, or did you just file it away with the thought, "That's how things always go." How did you actually handle that disappointment, or did you handle it at all?

One thing that I have learned is that things aren't always the way that we want them to be. We plan, make arrangements, but ultimately it isn't always up to us. Jesus told us that in this world we would have tribulations (King James Version) I like it better in the New Living Translation, here is what it says:

(Jesus speaking to His disciples) "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

This passage of Scripture used to really bother me, and I'll tell you why. I used to read this as Jesus saying be of good cheer I have overcome the world. I used to say to myself, "Well that's good for you Jesus, but I'm still here dealing with the trials and sorrows." Yeah, I know pretty stupid, but one day He explained this to me.

The thing is that we are suppose to be "In Him" as Christians. If we are living and abiding "In Him", then we are going to be able to overcome the trials and sorrows of this world too! He was telling us, that if we will stay "In Him", then we will be able to overcome with Him. And that my
friends is good news.

What we have to do in order to overcome in this life is to know who
we are "In Him". There is a great little mini book that Kenneth Hagin wrote years ago that helped me with learning who I was "In Christ". Click here to be able to order this book, it tells you all about learning who you are "In Him". It also has all the Scriptures in the Bible that tell you who you are "In Him" listed in the back of the book so you can look them up for yourself.

Yeah, I was a little disappointed this evening when I learned that my friends couldn't make it to the fire pit we'd planned, but that's okay because "In Christ" I have overcome the disappointment, and me and the Lord have some stuff in the works to replace that disappointment. Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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