Friday, May 27, 2011

What Is Memorial Day Anyway?

On the last Monday in May ever since I can remember we have celebrated Memorial Day. It usually means a day off of work, or a long weekend for many. Oh, I know any more it has become just another holiday to spend time with friends and loved ones. It is typically hailed as the first cookout of summer, a time to break out the boat and camping gear and go party.

But do you really know what Memorial Day is for real? Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. What that means, is that we, as a country have set aside one day out of our year where we remember all of those men and women who have died serving their country.

Now I don't want to be a downer, but how have we taken this day which is set aside to remember all of our fallen soldiers and turned it into a holiday to be celebrated around hot dogs and visits to the lake? That cheapens it for those families of the soldiers we are supposed to be remembering doesn't it?

I'm not telling you to stop your weekend celebrations, not at all, but I would like to encourage you to stop for just a moment and give thanks to God for the sacrifice of all of the men and women who have died serving their country. Who's sacrifice without, we might not have the freedom to celebrate with hot dogs and lake visits.

Let's remember our fallen soldiers and be safe this holiday weekend.

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