Monday, May 9, 2011

Be Authentic and Transparent Can Be Humbling

I am a big advocate of being both authentic and transparent in walking with the Lord. One of the things that I've seen in the Christian community which has caused more problems for people is when they act as if everything is okay, and keep their weaknesses, challenges and sins to themselves. The funniest thing about that, is that anybody watching can see through that sham, I think it is a way that the enemy has brought too many Christians to their knees. (And I'm not talking about so they can pray.) What this means to me, is that when I blog, I have a responsibility to share the both challenges going on in my life as well as the good things.

This morning during my time of reflection, reading the Word and talking to the Father a little bit, I was led on a journey in my mind about the type of person that I am. It wasn't a condemning journey, nor was it a attaboy type of journey either. It was one of those revealing times, the kind that only God can bring to your life.

It was like standing at a crossroads, I'm given two choices; one leads to growth in my Christian walk and the other leads me on towards more of a selfish lifestyle. The thing is however, that I have to decide which path I'll take. God won't make it for me. Today, I've decided to take the "growth" path. (This time.) One of the conclusions that I have come to, is that at times, I may come across as a jerk. (And no, I'm not having a pity party, or beating myself up here.)

I've spent some time reflecting on various conversations I've had with people in the past few months, and found out that I'm not sure that I have been walking in the true love of God the way that I should have. Looks like I may have some work to do in repairing some bridges. I'll see where the Father leads me in this. It may be time to do a study on the love of God and see what that actually looks like.

The main thing is, that in order to be authentic and transparent, I must be humble. And some days, I need the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit to point out where I've missed it. I will stumble, if I'm not humble. Thanks Father for pointing that out to me today! Well get 'em up folks, let's go out and whip something for the Kingdom today!

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