Saturday, May 21, 2011

What If Jesus Did Return Today?

There is a man who has made headlines this week by stating that Jesus will return today at 6PM. (Now I'm not sure what time zone that it will be either, I'm not sure he said that part.) There have been all kinds of comments made about his prediction, and since he also predicted that this would happen in 1994 and it didn't, I don't hold out a lot of hope for him to be correct this time either.

What I have been pondering however is would I do things differently if I actually did know that Jesus was coming back at 6PM tonight? And that answer is yes. I wouldn't be going out and partying and running up credit card debts, I would be doing everything in my power to let as many people as possible know so that they too would be in the catching away of the church.

I probably wouldn't be tempted to waste my time on such trivial things as poor attitudes or withholding love from those who need it. I'm for sure that my last little bit of time here on the planet would be spent in such a way as to bring glory and honor to my Father God, not to heap more hedonistic pleasures on myself.

Why is it then, that I don't do that all the time now? I mean, I'm not a true hedonist in the sense of the word. (Definition: A person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure seeker. In case you were unaware of what that means.) But I do believe that we all seek a little pleasure in our lives don't we? I'm not saying that we shouldn't enjoy a little pleasure in our lives once in a while, but are we truly living for God if we spend more time living for ourselves? It's just a thought.

I think I'll spend less time wondering if in fact Jesus will return tonight, and more time on how I can give to those that are around me. Maybe forgo a little pleasure for myself to bring a little joy into the lives of others. So while I don't believe that Jesus will return at 6PM tonight, I think I should start to live like He may. Well there's that...get 'em up folks, we've got a job to do!

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