Friday, May 20, 2011

I'm Tired, Why Won't I Just Go To Bed?

Why is it that on the few occasions that I decide to start a movie late at night, I will force my eyelids to stay open in hopes of actually making it all the way to the end? And even when I decide that I should go on to bed, I just stay up farting around instead of climbing into bed to get the rest that God designed my body to need?

There must be a "stupid gene" that is inside of the male species. That is really the only reason as to why I would still be up even
though as I type this I have one eye closed and the other is watering from the amount of yawning coming out of my mouth. This "stupid gene"is the same one that influences young males to try and jump off of the roof of their parents house to the ground to see if in fact it can be done without a bone being broken. *Note* Flexing your knees at the moment of impact and rolling across the ground will in fact make it much easier to do this without getting hurt or having a broken bone.

Okay it is now 1:30 AM and I have been working on this post for about thirty minutes. Interestingly enough, I'm writing my blog about not going to sleep and taking more time away from said sleep in order to finish this before going to bed. Talk about have a double dose of the "stupid gene" in manifestation right now. Sheesh, I've taken this blogging thing to a whole different level it appears. I must really like writing to be doing this to myself, and I know that in less than six hours when my alarm goes off, I'll be paying for it.

Well, now I am going to have to go to bed, because that eye is closing even as I write this last sentence, and my vision is going blurry from tiredness. So much for this blog folks, maybe tomorrow will be better. I would ask one favor from this posting however, and that is please tell all of your friends to check out my blog, I'm starting to get quite a few readers, and surprisingly enough from all over the world...that's kind of cool too! Thanks for reading, and if you are reading this shortly after I post it, well then get off the computer and go to bed!

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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