Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Heaven Bound?

You know one day I was talking with some friends, and one of them said something along the lines of, "Won't it be great when we get to Heaven?" Then we all began to talk about what we knew of Heaven, and how it will definitely be a great place to hang out.

As I pondered the conversation later that week, I began to think about how over the years that whenever I would tell people about Jesus, and talk to them of the salvation that He offers, I would always relay the information about Heaven and Hell. It would usually go something like this, "Don't you want to go to Heaven instead of Hell? If you do, then all you have to do is pray this prayer and accept Jesus, then you will be Heaven bound." Then I would lead them in the sinner's prayer, and begin to rejoice that another lost soul was bound for Heaven.

I want to say right here and now, "I'm sorry that I've ever done that." I can almost hear you shouting, "What?!?" Let me explain what I mean...I'm sorry that I've ever cheapened the Gospel by leading people to believe that getting saved was for the sole benefit of going to Heaven...only.

You see, in Luke 19:10 "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." Jesus is saying that His purpose for coming to the Earth is to seek and save "that" which was lost. Well, we have to ask ourselves here, what was lost? Man's heart, and ability to have a relationship with the Father God. So then, the whole purpose for Jesus coming to Earth, was to bring us back into relationship with the Father.

When I think about how God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, wants to have a personal relationship with me, well I've got to tell you that that just about blows my mind. I could maybe understand that He knows who I am, and maybe has even kind of spent a few hours mapping out my life’s course, but that He wants to spend time with me every day? That takes some time to wrap your brain around.

I guess that in all reality, we really are Heaven bound if we've accepted Jesus offer (found in Romans 10:9-10), but what are we waiting for? I mean God the Father of all creation wants to have a relationship with us right now. I don’t know about you, but for me…I’m gonna get busy building my relationship with Him now, instead of waiting till I get to Heaven…..strength and honor……….

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