Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Could this be the secret to life?

I sell shoes for a living. Not a glamours life, but a good, honest living where I get to help people on a daily basis. Today I had a comment from one of my older male customers, one that seems to mostly come from my older customers.
He turned the boot he was looking at over, and said, "You see these grooves? These are almost impossible to get dirt out of before going into the house. Then you've got dirt all over the floor."

Now I ask you, ever in your wildest dreams did you find yourself really giving much thought to dirt in the house? I know that I really didn't. Okay, so maybe if I've sunk up to my ankles in mud, I might leave the shoes in the garage, but on a daily basis do I really spend much time thinking about how much dirt I'm going to leave on the floor? Not really, and here in is where I may have accidently stumbled upon the secret to life.

Are you ready for this? It must be a clean house. I mean if these older customers of mine who are commenting about how much dirt they are tracking into the house and are so concerned with that, then shouldn't I be as well? I mean I am, (according to my mother) suppose to respect and learn from my elders. Maybe they know something that I don't. Maybe that is the secret to a happy and successful life.

I mean, my wife would like for the house to be clean, and stay clean. Does it? No. With three kids and two adults living in the same 1800 square feet, it's an impossiblity that it ever happens with any degree of consistiency. So are we destined to not have a happy life because of the dirt that is on the floor? Absolutely not!

I would take a messy house filled with a loving family over one of perfection and coldness. Life is messy, don't believe me? Try talking to your spouse about things that you want to see changed in your relationship and see if things doesn't get messy. If we are going to engage in other's lives, then there will be times where it will be messy.

Life being messy is not a bad thing. It is where the true life's the journey, not the destination. So I think that a little dirt on the floor, increases the chances that you are having a great experience along the way. So let's don't worry so much with the dirt and just sweep it up when neccessary and have a great life living in a little bit of messiness....strength and honor........

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