Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Strange Days For This Knight

I am half a century old, well actually a few years older to be exact. And in that time, I've experienced my share of of joy and sadness, successes and failures, and made more than a few friends and enemies. Thankfully way more friends than enemies; enemies may be a bit harsh, probably more likely people who just don't like being around me. And I've done it all from my home state of Oklahoma.

I've been a follower of Jesus for more than half of my life time. I wish I could say all of my life, but I came to the Lord later in years. One of the things I'm most proud of is my children have known and walked with Jesus all of their lives, and they did not have to experience or go through some of the stupid things I did. They've had challenges of their own, but not to the degree I had at their age. 

In all this time following Jesus, I've never once questioned Him in regards as to whether or not He knew what He was doing, even in the darkest hour of my life when I lost my youngest son to suicide. But for the past several months I must admit I've been in a bit of a funk when it comes to the things of God. This is not to say I don't believe in Him any more, I do, and this will never change, it's just I find myself in a very strange place these days.

My wife described it once as wanting the Lord not to leave her, but also not get too close either. You know, just stay at arm's length.This is what I've been feeling too, and  it's a weird place, on the one hand I want my Father to pull me into a loving embrace, let me know I am safe and all will be well in my world, but then at the same time I want to flail my arms and scream and run away. 

It's such a weird sensation too, one I've never experienced before. I'm usually the guy with all the answers, but lately my mind has been a cloud of confusion. And before you say it, I know where confusion comes from, I just don't seem to have the easy answer of how to get out of it this time. It's easy to have the answers for other people when you're on the outside looking in, but when it's your head in a fog, then it becomes a different story. Oh, I know the answers are still the same, but it seems to be more difficult to actually put them into play for yourself. Wow, that sounds hypocritical doesn't it? 

And to top it off, it's not as if I've got a bad or rough life either. I've got it good. I've got a family who loves me, a good job, and friends; really good friends. I just don't know what's going on here. Maybe the answer is I've taken on the care of this world more than I should. Jesus said in the Matthew 6:19-34 for us not to worry about the things we need. He talked about lilies and birds and how much more God cares about us than them. Maybe this is where I've been, too concerned with the needs of the day, and less about the Kingdom of God. After all verse 33 says to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness above all else, and He will give us everything we have need of.

Maybe herein lies the answer. Perhaps I've been looking more at what's going on around me, and less focusing on the Kingdom of God and living in the righteousness Jesus purchased for me. If this is the case, then when something shows up and tries to take my focus off of the Kingdom of God, what should I do? Put the focus of whatever this distraction is back onto the promises found in the Bible. For instance, if my bank account is saying I've got no money, the truth is because I'm a tither, God will supply all of my needs, wants, desires and dreams according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. And if my body doesn't feel like it should, the promise is by the stripes Jesus took on His back, I am healed, and so on.

I still feel as if my head is in a fog this morning, but I do believe I may be on the right track as to getting it out and continuing this walk in the victory Jesus won for me through His death, burial and resurrection. Sometimes all it takes is for me to write what I'm feeling in order to get a little direction in my life. Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Healing Is The Children's Bread

I've got something to say today, which could possibly be misinterpreted, or at the very least misunderstood, and because of this I want to apologize in advance if this happens as you read my post. I feel very strongly today about talking about this subject but as always my desire is to encourage, strengthen and help others walk closer to Jesus. Rather than get upset with me, I would relish the opportunity to sit down and discuss this further with you in person, perhaps over coffee.

There are only two subjects I've ever discussed which have lead to heated debate; speaking in tongues and healing. Today I want to talk about healing. It seems if you watch any television lately, about every other commercial is for some type of new drug which is going to fix everyone. Of course the myriad of side effects a person has to deal with in order to achieve the healing is amazing, if not comical at times. Case in point, one of the erectile dysfunction drugs could cause blindness; all my life growing up, people said young boys could go blind if they played with it, now it seems it is true.

And what about Now you can go online and search for what symptoms you are having and self diagnose. And let's not forget the drug stores shall we? Have you noticed one going up on every corner in your home town? Within a mile in my town we have two of them, pharmaceuticals are big business nowadays. I met a young man who was in medical school once, I asked him why he chose it and he replied, "So I can make a butt load of money!" You may have heard it said, if you want to find the source of something, "follow the money". Well there is money in the health industry, at least until the government controls it.

I'm reminded of something Jesus told His disciples when He sent them out into the world, "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give." In Jesus Kingdom, healing doesn't cost you anything, it is truly free healthcare. If He has given us the ability to be healed for free, then why do we persist in running to doctors? Am I saying I'm opposed to doctors and medicine? Absolutely not! I'm thankful for doctors, and the medicine which helps people to get better. My question is why do we run to doctors and medicine before running to Jesus?

Now this is what I'm really wanting to say, it may make you mad, but if it does, ask yourself why? As I said, I'm not opposed to doctors, but why do so many Christians encourage other Christians to seek medical help first and help them build their faith second? If Jesus promised us healing through His death, burial and resurrection, then why are we so quick to send people to the doctor? Let's look at a passage of Scripture for a minute about a lady Jesus referred to as a dog to see something.

Matthew 15:21-28; Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to Him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly." Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to Him and urged Him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us." He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." The woman came and knelt before him."Lord, help me!" she said. He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." "Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table." Then Jesus said to her, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed at that moment.

The first time I read this I was appalled at what Jesus said to the woman; after all He called her a dog. But upon further inspection and reflection of this passage, I see He was really trying to figure out where she was spiritually. She didn't get offended at being called a dog, she immediately continues His analogy to make her case. And in return, He says she has great faith, which caused her daughter to be healed. Obviously greater faith than His disciples, because they just whined to Jesus asking Him to get rid of her. 

What I'm going to say next has gotten me into trouble in the past, because I was misunderstood as to what I meant. In Scripture, if you will look closely to the Gospels, you will find Jesus saying numerous times, "Your faith has made you whole." or something similar to this. Jesus has provided the healing, but it is our faith which acquires it for us. Jesus has already provided the answer to any sickness, disease or demonic problem, it is up to us to receive it, by faith.

Healing can be acquired for every sickness or disease through faith in Jesus Christ. Sometimes I think people have a hard time with this because it is so easy. It's like Nahum who was told to go dip in the Jordan River seven times to be healed of his leprosy. He got mad because the prophet didn't come out and tell him what to do himself, and the instructions, though simple, sounded stupid to Nahum. It took his servants convincing him to go do what he was told. And the outcome was new skin for the diseased skin. 

It can be like this for us as well, we feel some type of problem coming on, but instead of trusting God at His word, and using it to build our faith, we just run to a doctor, pay money (even a small co-pay) and wait for the medicine to do it's job. Jesus provided the answer for every sickness we would ever encounter; our faith. But here is the kicker, we have to believe His Word over the word of this world. And like I said earlier, every other commercial is for some type of medicine, we are being bombarded with the world's answer to sickness; a pill.

What I am not saying here, is that if you are sick you have little or no faith in God, not at all. I remember once when I was working in my dad's shoe store, this man came in and wanted to sell me cancer insurance. First off, I was irritated this guy had come into our business where we sold shoes to people and was trying to sell me something instead. Never a good idea, but as graciously as I could I told him no thanks. Being a hard sell salesman, he asked my why I wouldn't buy it. My response was I am a Christian, and I don't plan on getting cancer.

His face contorted, and it was obvious I had made him mad, which was never my intent, I was just stating the facts as I believed them. He said, "My mom was the greatest Christian there ever was, and she died from cancer!" To which I responded, "I'm sorry, that's a shame, but she didn't have too." Okay in hindsight, maybe my last comment was a bit brutal, I was a new Christian and lacking a little bit in tact, well he turned around and stormed out. I really wasn't trying to upset the man, I just felt sad she had died of something which Jesus had delivered her from.

I think we should all spend time in God's Word and find out what it says about healing, faith and what we need to do in order to obtain what is already ours as Christians. Whose report will you believe; the world's or God's? Jesus says it time and time again, "YOUR FAITH" has made you whole. And faith is the things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) Seems the answer has been here all along, maybe we just need to focus more on what the Word of God says and less on what the world is screaming.

For the Kingdom and the King!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Changing the World One Peanut Butter Burrito At a Time

I'm all about changing the world, and I've heard it said the way to do this is one person at a time. Well I inadvertently may have been doing this without even knowing it through a peanut butter snack. Several years ago I was hungry and decided to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but when I went to the cupboard, I realized I had no bread. Now there is nothing worse than having decided on a treat to only find out you can't have it. 

As I was putting the jelly back into the fridge with a frown on my face, I noticed a package of flour tortillas and thought, why not? Smearing the jelly and peanut butter on the tortilla and then rolling it like a burrito, I went to the living room and enjoyed my snack. What I discovered is I actually like peanut butter and jelly on a flour tortilla over bread way better. 

Move forward a few years. While at work one day I was in my office having one of my peanut butter burritos when one of my coworkers sat down to talk to me. He saw what I was eating and asked what it was. When I told him, he said, "Gross!" To which I replied, "Have you ever tried one?" Since he hadn't and I had an extra one, I gave it to him. He fell in love immediately.

I work with a lot of Mexican men, and when they heard what I was eating said it was disgusting sounding. I asked them as well if they'd ever had one, but they all said no. Well this week, one of the guys said it sounded disgusting again, so I told him I was going to bring him one. I gave it to him, but didn't see him again until the next day, when he stopped me and told me he really liked it. He told me when he told his wife about it, she also said it sounded disgusting but she made him some fresh tortillas so he could have another one. He asked his seven year old daughter if she wanted one, and she fell in love with them too.

When my boss heard about them, he too said it sounded disgusting, but when I handed it to him this morning and he ate it, he was singing a different tune. He had told his wife last night and she also said it sounded gross, but something tells me he may be having them in his home from now on too. 

It seems I've impacted three families and done so all through something I found out about through desperation, but have added to my snacking delight. If you think it sounds disgusting too, before you just dismiss it, try one and see if you don't agree how great these are. Only don't use a corn tortilla, that would be disgusting. Won't you help me change the world? Try one, then pass it on. For the Kingdom and the King!

What Would They Say About You

It is early in the morning, and I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee and laptop. I've done my daily Bible reading, had a little cake and a thought occurred to me, so I figured I'd blog about it. If you died today, and people all gathered together to celebrate your life, what would they say about you? What would you like them to say about you?

We all make an impact on the world around us; some for good, others for bad. But one thing is for sure, we all effect change of some sort to the people we come into contact with. Have you ever stopped to consider what this impact is? It's something I think about from time to time; hoping I'm making positive change in my world, but I often wonder if I am or not.

Not to be morbid, but I've thought about my funeral in the past. Oh not because I feel I'm going to die anytime soon, I've got too much left to do; my son getting married, both of my children eventually having kids of their own; my grand kids who will need me to be here to spoil, love and share my knowledge with. Not to mention my bride Cheryl and I have the best part of our lives left to live. No, I've thought about it, because it helps me to see where I am currently, and if I need to make any changes.

What do I want people to say after I'm gone? What legacy will I leave behind? Will people even miss me? These are just some of the things I wonder about. I hope people will say, "He loved his wife and kids unlike any other man I know." "He was a man who loved people, and gave his life trying to help others." "He was a lot of fun to be around, he made me laugh." 

As I was writing this, this thought occurred to me, in order for me to have people say things like this about me after I'm gone, I need to know who I am in order to live my life in such a way as to give people the ability to say these things.  Because, if I don't know who I am, how can anyone else know? It made me think of a scene from the movie "Second Hand Lions", check it out.

Now what I really like about this scene, is not so much the fighting exactly, (although it is great) but the fact Hub McCann knows who he is, and there is no doubting it. I can't wait for others to define who I am, I have to do this. This is one of the problems men face, trying to define who they are exactly. Oh you'll here them say, "I'm a doctor." or "I'm a ditch digger." but this is really not "who" they are, but what they do. For many years as I ran a retail shoe store, I referred to myself as Dave the Shoe-guy. And I am still called this years after stepping out of the shoe business, but this is not who I am.

I'm David, the guy who loves his wife, is proud of his kids and works hard to help those around him find the better life in Jesus. When I keep this as my focus, and not what I do, then I think it will be easy for people to say what I'd like them to say after I'm gone. I just want to leave my mark on the world and those around me.

For the Kingdom and the King!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What Is A Baby?

Here is the second in a series of guest blogs written by my mom April Felts. These were written about fifty years ago too.

A baby is happiness, happiness for worried mothers, proud papa, unaged grandmother, and experienced grandpa. One gurgle can panic his  mother, confuse his father and bring mist to grandparents eyes. A smile can create laughter from anyone and baby talk from most everyone.

A baby is fun. Fun for daddy who hurries home from work to pick him up, toss him in the air, and create a stimulus that takes mother 15 minutes to calm down. A baby is fun for grandparents. They know just what to do to spoil baby and make him happier than anyone else. He is happiest on grandpa's knee listening to his deep laugh and cooing with pleasure at the big man talking and making faces. A baby is fun to aunts and uncles. Aunties kiss and cuddle him while big uncle John tosses him aloft to make him laugh. A baby is fun to mother, she is his happiness at eating time; companion all day; understanding when he is tired and the stubbornest person when it's bedtime.

A baby is work. He is constantly wet, fussy or wants attention. He demands his breakfast at a certain hour, his lunch prepared immediately and his supper warmed and ready when he is hungry. A bottle should be prepared and ready at all times, and his water a constant temperature of 98.6 degrees.

A baby is love. A baby's smile can bring a rush of hugs and kisses from daddy. It can create an emotion from mother that is communicated softly in her warm caresses. A baby can bring mother and daddy more love in one laugh than all the money could.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Letters From My Mom

Today I received a package from my mom, and inside was a booklet of hand written stories; some of them to me from my mom when I was a little tyke, and others are just stories she wrote. For the next few days, I've decided to have a guest writer on my blog, my mom. I'm not going to edit them, but just copy them the way she wrote them way back when.

Dearest David,

One of these days you may want to read these. They are full of all the emotions I felt when you were first here. I know one day you too, will have a "first born" and you will know the feelings I had when you were young.

I once wanted to be a writer as you can guess from the stories I "attempted".

Enjoy thee and pass it on as something your grandmother wrote when she was young, it is one of the most personal legacies I can leave for generations to come.

I love you,


Want To Change The World?

1 Corinthians 10:23-24; "I have the right to do anything," you say - but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything" - but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.
Do you want to change the world? Here is the way to do it. We don't have to have committee meetings, conferences or take a lot of time either; we just have to seek the good of others instead of looking out for number one.
The problem is, most people are too busy looking out for themselves. There is one instance I can think of where it is in your interest to look out for number one first; and this would be in the event of a plane cabin depressurization. When this happens you are instructed to put your own oxygen mask on first before helping those with you, this way you both don't die. But in pretty much every other area of life you could look out for the well being of others first.
What it basically boils down to is selfishness. The definition of selfishness is: 
Concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself: seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.
Arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others.
Selfishness is something we don't have to learn either, it is inherit in our nature. You see it in children all the time, followed by the phrase, "Mine!" Most of us should have been taught growing up how to overcome these selfish tendencies, but unfortunately a lot of people didn't. How many of you had to share your toys as a child, and liked it? I know I didn't, but with two brothers I was forced to learn. And even though it wasn't fun as a kid, just the simple act of learning to share helped me grow up and not be selfish as an adult.
Jesus even said something similar to what Paul was talking about when He was explaining the greatest commandment. He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength. And a second commandment is also important, Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:39. So we should strive above all else to look out to for the good of those around us, and not just looking out for number one if we're going to see change take place in our world.
Today, go look for a way you can help someone else, putting your desires to the side, and let's change the world one person at a time. Well there's that, for the Kingdom and the King!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Life After Death

This clip is from The Lord of the Rings; one of the best movies ever filmed in my honest opinion. Watching it years later, after having buried my youngest son five years ago, it has a more poignant message to me than it did when I first saw it. But one of the the things Gandalf told Theoden in this clip captured my attention this morning "He was strong in life, his spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers."

Life after death, what does it mean to us as a people? The people of Rohan in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings remind me a bit of the Viking people. And when Gandalf says his spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers, I can't help but think a little of Valhalla; the place all Vikings hoped they would go after death. Even in the Disney animated movie Brother Bear there was mention of a spirit realm where you went after death. And in the Bible, Jesus said, "In My Father's house are many rooms, I go to prepare a place for you." (John 14:2)

Obviously there is somewhere we go after we die, this life isn't all there is. The Bible teaches humans are a three part being; we are a spirit, we have a soul and we live in a body. The spirit of man is the real you, who you are as a person, and according to the Bible this is the part of you which will live forever either with God or cut off from Him. Your soul is made up of your will, emotions and your intellect. And of course your body is the house you live in a"nd it is this part which your five senses use to relate to the world around you.

For all of our enlightenment and the vast changes which have taken place in the human race due to technological advances, death still comes to us all. It is a fact, human beings die. But the question you've got to ask yourself, is what happens afterwards? I've met people who say nothing happens after you die, you just die. This must be an awful thing to believe. It saddens me to think there are people who don't realize there will be something after this life. It reminds me of another clip from The Lord of the Rings; actually, I want this clip played at my funeral I like it so much.

"And then you see it..."
"What Gandalf? You see what?"
"White shores and beyond."

I think all of this talk about life after death gives us hope. And we need hope, I mean if all we do is live on this planet and then cease to exist, what is it all for? I mean why do we even try to live a better life, or teach our children to be good people if it is all for nothing? Why worry about carrying on our family lines, or building anything of value? If we just die, then we should live every day as a hedonist, not caring about what we leave behind right?

But thank God there is more to life than just ourselves, and there is a reason to build something to leave behind. God wants each and every one of us to spend eternity with Him, but unfortunately there will be those who choose not to. I hope you're not one of them. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for each of us when He died on the cross, was buried and raised back to life on the third day, all so we could be saved, and live in eternity with Him. And He made it so easy to do too! All you have to do is accept what He did for you, and like Romans 10:9-10 states; believe in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead, and say with your mouth, "Jesus be my Lord." It's just that simple.

The really sad thing, is just because you don't believe in life after death it does not mean it's not true. The worst thing would be for you to spend eternity in hell because you chose not to believe God's message of saving grace in Jesus. There is life after death, but you get to choose which life it will be; eternity with Jesus, or eternity without Him, won't you choose Jesus today? 

Pray this prayer:
Dear God, 
I come to You in the Name of Jesus. The Bible says, "...him that comes to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37), so I know You won't cast me out, but You take me in and I thank You for it. You said in Your Word, "Whoever will call upon the Name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13) I am calling on Your Name, so I know You have saved me now. 

You also said "...if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart God has raised Him form the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and wit the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Romans 10:9-10) I believe in my heart Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification, and I confess Him now as my Lord.

Because Your Word says, "...with the heart man believes unto righteousness..." and I do believe with my heart, I have now become the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21) And I am saved! Thank You Lord!

For the Kingdom and the King!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Pants On The Ground, Pants On The Ground...Or Real Life? Yes Please!

A few months ago as my Pastor was preaching on Sunday morning, he made the comment about how people post things on social media which make their lives only look good, hardly ever posting true life pictures. I must admit I do this as well, I think we all do. Isn't it funny how we try and make everyone think our lives are going well, and we never have any trouble or challenges in life? I wonder why we are like this, why do we care so much for what others think of us? Truly, I'm pretty sure others really spend very little time even thinking about us, for aren't we all more concerned with what is going on in our own little world?

It's almost ridiculous to think how much we think our lives are more important than others. This really is why we post so many pictures of all the fun we're having isn't it? I don't usually think of taking pictures to remember my challenges. I mean, it's like you're getting in trouble at work, and your boss is yelling at you for whatever reason, do you stop them and ask if you can get a picture to remember this day? Of course not, but if something is going good we want to show it off.

Take today for instance, I'm working in the kitchen putting away the clean dishes and reloading the dishwasher with the dirty ones (probably not in the correct place of course) and as I'm just going along with my day, my shorts fell down around my ankles. My hands are full and my shorts are around my ankles, great. Real life right? What is my first thought? Take a picture and send it to my wife, once she responds with several crying with laughter emoticons, I decide to share this with the world. After all, if this makes her laugh, then surely it will make others too. And I have no problem sharing the good, bad and ugly portions of my life with others, it's what I do to help others see how the transparent life is the best life.

But as I was thinking about all of this, I realized the reason most people only post the good things in their lives is because they want others to think they've got it all together in life. Don't get me wrong, not everyone who posts things in social media are all narcissists. Looking at the picture of my shorts around my ankles however, what are your thoughts concerning this. What I mean is, would it horrify you if there was a picture of you like this out on the internet? If you say yes, why do you think this is? For me this picture is an opportunity to get some laughs, and also a blog out of it as well.

I wonder if most people are just afraid of letting people around them find out just how truly boring their life is. If you judged people's lives by what you see on social media, then you'd think every other person's lives were like something out of a Hollywood movie while your's isn't. I think this is why social media drives a lot of people to be depressed. Always thinking why isn't my life as exciting as so and so's. It is a trap too, and to fall into it will only lead you to horrible places.

I think like my Pastor said, it would be good if everyone posted more real life pictures of themselves. Maybe like sitting on the toilet and realizing you're out of toilet paper, or waiting in line while the family of ten is in front of you at the fast food restaurant, or you just sitting at home doing nothing (my favorite thing of all to do). I really wish we could all be more transparent, and less of the actors we tend to be. Really life would then become more interesting as we found out we all really are pretty much the same, don't you think?

Well there's that....for the Kingdom and the King!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Are You Ready For God's Test?

I read an interesting passage of Scripture this morning during my daily devotion time. It was found in Judges 2:20-23; 
20 So the Lord burned with anger against Israel. He said, “Because these people have violated my covenant, which I made with their ancestors, and have ignored my commands, 21 I will no longer drive out the nations that Joshua left unconquered when he died. 22 I did this to test Israel—to see whether or not they would follow the ways of the Lord as their ancestors did.” 23 That is why the Lord left those nations in place. He did not quickly drive them out or allow Joshua to conquer them all.

The Lord tested the Children of Israel to see if they would continue to follow Him after Joshua died. This is interesting to me because the stories about the Children of Israel are types and shadows of the life we live today. If God tested them, do you think He might have tests for us today? Before you just blindly agree with my statement I want to go on record here as saying God does not use sickness and disease to test us, so let's don't go there okay?

When the Children of Israel entered the promised land, there were still people to conquer. I find it interesting how God the Father didn't destroy all of their enemies for them. Let me take a little rabbit trail here, for those of you who are parents, let your kids have opportunities to fail in their lives. Don't do everything for them, you are not helping them by doing this. God the Father allowed His children to enter a land filled with enemies, He just told them to stay with Him and they would subdue the land.

Using the Children of Israel as our examples, we can see from time to time God will allow us to be tested as a way of seeing if we are going to follow Him and stay true. What do we do when temptations and challenges run our way? Do we stay close to God and follow His heart for us, or do we run to the world's way of doing things? Sometimes it's hard not to take advice from the world around us; after all there are people right in front of you who you can see. I must confess at times it is harder to follow God just because I can't see Him.

God does test us, not to destroy us, but to help us grow. I know this doesn't fit in with the "everything is okay now that you're a Christian" mindset, but it is true none the less. God doesn't tempt us, but He has allowed things in the world we live to do so, only to see what we will do. You and I have the ability to overcome in each and every situation in life, if we will only choose to do so. I'm reminded of the Scripture where God is speaking and He says, "This day I set before you life and death, choose life." He's not looking to harm us, but we have a choice to make.

We have tests set before us, what will we choose to do with them? Gripe and complain because we are tested, or ask God how to pass the test. Again, He said if any of us lacks wisdom (doesn't know what to do in the middle of a test) all we have to do is ask Him, and He will give it to us liberally and not make fun of us for asking. (Dave's paraphrase)

The next time a challenge arises in your life, face it head on, ask God what to do and then listen for Him to tell you. And I know you'll pass the test with flying colors! For the Kingdom and the King!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Move Along...Move Along

I have been a fan of Star Wars since I first saw it in May 1977, it captured my attention unlike anything ever had before.  I was 13 when I first saw it, and now at almost 52 it is still one of the things which consumes my thoughts almost on a daily basis. One of the truly advantageous aspects of this, is I am incredibly easy to buy gifts for. Buy me something Star Wars, and I'm a happy camper.

What is it about this movie which has captured my heart you might ask? Everything! George Lucas said he wanted to bring back movies which used myth and legend. There are knights in it, and who wouldn't give their right hand for an actual lightsaber? It is full of incredibly cool villains and the heroes are truly amazing, if not just a little bit complex. Who didn't catch their breath just a little bit when Darth Vader first appeared on the screen with the imposing size, cape, mechanical breathing and total disregard for the sanctity of life?

And the ships? Man they were different than anything I'd ever seen before. They actually
looked like they had been used. They didn't have the brand new, off the showroom floor look every other ship I'd seen did. These looked as if they'd seen a little action, in fact just about everything did. My favorite was and still is the Millennium Falcon; the first time Han Solo said it was the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy I thought it was so cool, but when I actually saw it in action, man what a ship! I have a model of it I built years ago hanging in my office.

One of the greatest experiences of my life was introducing this totally awesome movie franchise with my children. We watched them on the television until George released his special edition episodes, and I was never more proud than to take my kids to the movie theater so they could experience it in all it's movie screen glory. Then when the prequels were released we all went to the midnight showings of them, it was awesome!

I want to go on record here to say I liked the Special Edition episodes. I was able to see the scene where Han Solo faces Jabba the Hutt which never made the original cut, and all the special effects were so much better. The only issue I have with them is Han Solo shot Greedo first. This was the only mistake I think George Lucas made, but I can live with it.

Then he went on to make the prequel episodes and I thought it couldn't get any better than this; even with Jar Jar Binks, who I personally like. He was such a fun character and it was always a hoot when my oldest son Micah would put on his Jar Jar mask and walk around the house. I still laugh about it to this day. But this past Thanksgiving (2014) I thought I would cry when I saw the teaser trailer for the upcoming Episode 7. I must have watched the trailer a dozen or so times. My family actually started getting upset with me for watching it so much.

All I know, is almost my entire life will have Star Wars in it, and this is a great thing. Well, there's life is great! For the Kingdom and the King!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Change Is Good

Say this with me, "Change is good." You might want to say it a few more times to really start believing it too, "Change is good." Most of us do not enjoy change in our lives. We work and strive most of the time in order to keep things the way they are. We do this because it makes us feel comfortable, and as human beings we want to feel comfortable most of all. I mean isn't it nice to know what the day will hold for you? To be able to wake up, go through your routine and never have to worry about things happening which you are unprepared for?

The real problem here is we all experience change on a daily basis, regardless of how much we try and keep everything the same. I woke up this morning different than I was yesterday. I'm one day older, my hair is a little bit longer and most of the things I did yesterday, I'll have to do again today because they're old news.

I find it truly funny how much I try and keep things the same in my life too, but what I think it actually boils down to is a desire to control my circumstances. Yes, I'll admit it, I have control issues. I don't like to be out of control of situations, I want to be the one to say what is going to happen next in my life. And when things are out of my control, well let's just say it can get pretty ugly.

Where does this desire to control everything come from? I believe straight from the pit of hell. God tells us in His Word to trust Him, lean on Him, learn from Him, etc. It's actually pretty hard to trust God when I am the one trying to control this situation. It's as if I'm saying God can't handle it. I wonder how this makes Him feel?

As a dad, I know when my kids ignore my input into their lives it makes me feel sad. Not because I think they don't know any better, but it feels as if the relationship suffers. Some of the saddest situations in my life have been when the relationship between me and my kids is strained. I've done a lot of good in my kid's lives, but I've also had my share of sad times too. Most of which came from my idiocy and not theirs. But I digress, I think what I'm trying to say, is God must feel the same way when we don't trust Him.

And what does this say about our relationship with the Father? If we are unable to trust Him, how can we really ever walk in the fullness of all He has for us? The answer is we probably can't. Once again, I've arrived at a revelation about myself, and it's not a pretty picture. Jesus even talked about this in Scripture, take a look at Matthew 6:25-34.

25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Jesus instructs His disciples here to not worry about tomorrow, and to seek God's Kingdom above all else. One of the things about seeking God's Kingdom is we have to relinquish control of our lives and let Him take charge. I mean if He takes care of the birds, why can we not trust Him to take care of those of us who are made in His image? It's kind of like I've been saying, God, I've got this, You just go on and help someone else today. Well there's an idiotic revelation about myself.

I guess what I'm going to have to do now is figure out how to let it go. Cue music here, I feel a song coming on, ha! Actually, I'm going to have to start doing a better job of trusting God in my life and letting go of the control which is truly hindering me more than helping. Well there's that, go out and have a great day today letting God run things. For the Kingdom and the King

Monday, May 4, 2015

May the Fourth Be With You

            “I don’t care what you think you big furry oaf!  We’ve gotta hurry if we’re going to make it on time.”

            “Hrrghhh uhhh, mrrrghh nuhh rurr!”

            “Don’t take that tone with me Chewie! I’m not the one who was thinking with his stomach again.  Besides, the Princess will kill both of us if we don’t show up.”

            Reaching into the toolbox and pulling a hydrospanner from it; Han Solo hung upside down to reach the bolt he needed to tighten.  Thinking back to simpler times when he wasn’t the husband of royalty and could come and go as he pleased he remembered telling Luke Skywalker how travelling through hyperspace wasn’t like dusting crops.  “If I'm not careful, I may end up dusting crops before this is all over.” he mumbled to himself.

            “Sir, the hyperdrive motivator seems to be the problem.” C3PO said as he peered down into the void where Han and Chewbacca were hastily doing their repairs.

            “Really professor, you don’t say?  Get back over there and talk to the Falcon and find out why the hyperdrive motivator isn’t working.”

            Shuffling back to the control panel, C3PO muttered in his metallic voice, “Impossible man.  I truly do not see what the Princess sees in him at all. I wish Artoo was here.”

            Han and Chewbacca had taken the Millennium Falcon and left Coruscant three days ago in search of some type of food only found on Kashyyyk; Chewie’s home world.  In the days which followed the two friends had arrived on the moon of Shinnock, one of the places Han had travelled in his smuggling days to meet with Cansoordia, an exporter/importer of special foods.  He owed Han and Chewbacca a favor from the old days, and Han figured he’d be good for Chewie’s meal.

            They left without telling anyone where they were going, feeling they would only be gone a few hours and return before anyone even noticed.  Of course this had been three days ago, and he was pretty sure he was in deep poodoo with Leia by now.  They would surely be pushing the Falcon to the limit in order to return on time now.  Kessel run record or not, the Millennium Falcon would be forced once again to save Han and Chewie with speed and prowess.

            “How about this Chewie,” Han hollered up from the depths of his beloved ship, as Chewbacca made his way to the cockpit. 

            Chewbacca entered the brain of the Falcon and pushed a few buttons on the control panel and waited for the green light to light up, only to be showered with sparks from over his head instead.  “Rrrugghh!” he shouted and covered his fur to keep it from igniting into flame.

          Twisting the hydrospanner in the opposite direction, Han yelled,  “Alright, alright! I’ve got it!  Try it now!”

            This time the light turned green without any sparks flying, and Han was relieved to hear the steady hum of his ship’s hyperdrive as it engaged. 

            “Perfect! Okay Chewie, I think we’re out of the woods now!”

            “Sir?  Master Solo, sir?”

            “What is it 3PO?”

            “Checking my internal chronometer, I’m afraid we may be late for the party after all.  The odds of us returning in time now are four hundred thirty to one.”

            “If I’ve told you once 3PO, I’ve told you a million times, never tell me the odds!”

            Hoisting himself up through the access panel in the floor, and scooting the covering plate into place with his boot, Han hurried towards the cockpit so he could set the coordinates for Coruscant. “Buckle up goldenrod; we’re about to head home!”

            The face studying the control panel was lit up green from the backlight of the screen.  As the man viewed the tiny blips and the numbers surrounding them, he recognized one of the numbers from his past.

            “Solo.” He said to himself, “I never expected to see you in this part of the galaxy again.”

            Pushing several buttons at once, a separate screen raised from the control panel with the word "Open Bounties" appearing in bold letters. Selecting a search field, the man typed in the words Han and Solo and waited. After a few minutes, a picture of the famous rogue showed up in the left hand corner along with a long list of running bounties which had yet to be claimed.

            “I see there are still those of us who do not care for you Solo; some of whom are still willing to dole out a few credits for your return.  I guess it’s up to me then to return you to the highest bidder.”

            Turning in her seat to set his ship in motion, Tontha prepared once again to track the famous duo.  “This time, you won’t get away me."

            “I swear Luke it’s like living with a three year old sometimes.”

            “Leia, I’m sure Han and Chewbacca left for a good reason.”
            “He didn’t even message me, he just took off and left.”

            “Well I’m sure he had a good reason Leia.  He probably just didn’t figure he’d be able to get hold of you while you were in meetings is all.”

            “I know I’m being silly, but it bothers me he didn’t leave a message or anything.  And why would he have taken C3PO with him?  There’s just something strange about all of this.”

            Walking over to his sister, Luke gave her a reassuring hug and said, “Listen, I’ll go down to the docking bay and look around if it will make you feel any better.”

            “Thank you Luke, it would.”

            “I still think you’re overreacting just a little bit.”

            “I know, but this party is just important to me that’s all.”

            “I know sis, give me a little time and I’ll sort things out for you.”

            She leaned up, giving Luke a little kiss on the cheek and said, “Thanks brother, I appreciate it.”

            Looking at his sister and laughing he said, “And to think I used to have a crush on you.  We’ve had a strange life huh?”

            “Yes, it has been very interesting.”

            With that, Luke turned toward the door; there was a swooshing sound as the door parted and looking back one more time he said, “Leia, as soon as I find out anything I’ll let you know.”  Reaching back he pulled his Jedi hood up over his head and stepped out into the corridor.

            Docking bays around the galaxy were all the same.  They smelled of hydraulic oil, plasteel and a host of different body odors which came from the thousands of sentient beings who frequented them.  Coruscant was no different than any of the smaller backwater worlds Luke had visited in his time as a representative of the New Republic.  Even on his home world of Tatooine, docking 94; where he had taken his first off planet ride aboard the Millennium Falcon was no different.

            “Some things just never change.” He thought as he began using the Force to investigate where Han had docked his famous ship for the past seven years.  Studying the room for even the minutest detail, he was taken back to when he had first seen the Falcon. 

            “What a piece of junk!”

            “She’ll make point five beyond the speed of light.  She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid.  I’ve added some special modifications myself.”

            Smiling at the pleasant memory, Luke thought to himself, “Where have you gone Han?”

            At the same exact time Luke was wondering where Han had gotten off to, Han was doing the same thing.

            “I don’t like it Chewie.  How can we be off course this much?”

            “Urrhgh, muhhquarrah uhh rqhh.”

            “Well that doesn’t make any sense.  I know where Coruscant is, I set the coordinates myself, look.”

            “Mummph, rummphan duhh.”

            “Me?!?  I’m not the one who’s over 200!”

            Laughing his deep hearty laugh, Chewbacca cuffed Han and ruffled his hair as he turned back to the control panel.

            “It’s not my fault!” he said as he continued studying the read outs.

            Without any warning, the Falcon lurched to one side and Han was forced into the opposite bulkhead as he lost his balance.  Hearing metal crashing to the ground, from the common area and a metallic voice screaming, “Oh my!” Han knew 3PO had not been prepared for the sudden shift either.

            “Fire up the engines Chewie!” Han yelled as he stumbled back to his command chair and began calling up schematics on his view screen.  “Someone is firing at us!”

            Chewbacca’s furry fingers flew over the controls as he prepared their ship for flight.  Meanwhile Han was looking over the view screen trying to determine just where the ship was which had fired upon them.  Suddenly, they saw a green flash through the view port of the cockpit and realized almost without thinking he only had a matter of seconds before the Falcon became the prey to the tractor beam which was doing its best to attach itself to them.

Reaching for the lever which would throw them into a reverse spin, Han pulled on them as fast as his lightening quick reflexes would allow.  Having worked together for so many years, Chewbacca had the engines online and ready as Han pulled the levers into place.  It was all the artificial gravity could do to keep them in their seats as the Falcon entered what was referred to as the idiot’s loop.

Performing a reverse banking maneuver from a dead stand still is difficult at best, and only someone who is considered crazy would try it; hence the name idiot’s loop.  It was perfected by Han during his days as a smuggler, when he was in danger of being boarded.  Waiting until the last possible second, he would set the thrusters to full speed and then full throttle into reverse while banking his ship.  The end result being whoever was trying to board the Falcon would be in their rear view sights and Han could punch it forward getting away.

He had never tried it when a tractor beam was attempting to lock on, but he figured the principle was pretty much the same.  As the Falcon completed its turn, he was finally able to see the ship which was endeavoring to capture him for the first time. 

“Tontha?  Chewie, that’s Tontha out there!  I’d recognize her ship anywhere.”

Grunting his agreement about the ship, Chewbacca made several disturbing sounds and bared his fangs in Han’s direction.

“Woah, don’t blame me!  I’m not the one who turned her in to the Empire.  She did that all on her own.”

“Mrruhavveua, schrallup grunnnn.”

“Yeah, but that’s not the way I remember it.  But you’re probably right, she would think of it differently.  After all, she was the one lead away in handcuffs wasn’t she?” 

Punching a button on the console, Han keyed up the comm system and clearing his throat addressed the woman trying to capture his ship in his smoothest voice.

“Tontha?  Tontha is that you honey?”

There was a crackle of static, quickly replaced by the voice of a very irritated female, “Solo! I swore the last time I saw you if I ever had the chance I’d kill you, and that Wookie pet of yours!”

“Tontha, when did you get out?  Did you get the care packages we sent to Rigeliian?”

“Becoming even more irritated by the second, Tontha continued, “Have you figured out where you are yet Solo?”

“I was just about to, when you tried to lock onto my ship with your tractor beam.  What’ve you got over there, a midspace transient receiver?”

“So you have been keeping up with the tech since becoming the consort of the Princess.  I was kind of afraid maybe you were only a pretty face now.”

“Tontha, you always say the nicest things.  But after seeing the males in your species; a Barabel would be pretty to you.”

“Prepare to be boarded Solo, there’s a nice sized bounty on you still, and I aim to collect it.”

“Honey, better bounty hunters than you have tried to collect on me, and you know where that’s gotten them.”

“This time it’ll be different Solo, you’ll see!”

Chewbacca made a small purring sound and Han turned to see what he was pointing out.  The Falcon had completed the turn, and was now heading in the proper direction to flee.  Shaking his head, Han made a sign with his hands explaining his plan to his friend.  Grinning and trying to muffle the laugh, Chewbacca snorted instead and nodded his head yes.

“Tontha, maybe you should come aboard, we could talk about old times.  You could tell us all about your experience on that prison planet.  How long after the Empire fell did it take before you got out?  I can’t remember.”

“Arrgh! That’s it Solo, I’m going to finish what I started years ago!”

Muting the feed between ships, Han winked at Chewbacca and said, “She’s nothing if not still predictable Chewie.”

Checking the ship’s systems once more, Han said, “Punch it Chewie!”

Getting the ship to accelerate was Chewbacca’s job, making her corkscrew spin was Han’s.  “Yee haw!” he hollered as he was pushed back into his seat further and further.  The Falcon began to pull away from Tontha’s ship the Marauder as she was caught unaware by the duo’s quick actions. 

Shutting off the tractor beam Tontha cursed in her native language and began her pursuit.  She was mad at herself for allowing Han to get her talking instead of continuing to capture them in her beam.  Han and Chewbacca had a small lead on her, but she was confident in her ship’s ability to catch up.  Solo always bragged about making special modifications to his ship, but she had done the same.  It would only be a matter of minutes before she would be in range to use the tractor beam again, and this time there would be no escape.

Leia placed center pieces on each table, turning them in the proper direction, and then turning them again and again until she felt they were in the exact location each needed to be in order to be seen from the perfect angle.  Each table was adorned with an Alderaanian sculpture which had been on loan to a museum here on Coruscant at the time of her planet’s destruction.  Placing them on the tables made her feel homesick and happy at the same time.

The party was to be held this time tomorrow and still she had not heard from Han or Luke.  “Where could they be?” she thought as she continued to see to each and every decoration personally.  As if in answer to her thought, her comlink buzzed at her waist.  Reaching down and looking at the display screen she saw the familiar face of her brother Luke.  Thumbing the switch, she said, “Luke, have you found them?”

“Not yet, but I've discovered something interesting and was wondering if you could get away for a bit and come down to the docking bay?”

Without batting an eye, she told him she would and thumbed off the comlink.  Excusing herself from the workers, she left the rest of the decorating to them.  Pulling on the robe she used when walking among the people, she pulled the hood up over hair head so as to not be notice, stopping off at her apartment only long enough to retrieve her light saber, then she was off to the docking bay to meet Luke.