Saturday, May 2, 2015

Younger Men Need Older Men

Sitting here on a Saturday afternoon watching a little television and the movie Last Vegas is on. There is a scene where this young guy is in a night club hitting on a girl when he's punched out by a guy about fifty years older than him. It's funny, but later in the movie these four friends begin to use the young guy to do all their bidding. Towards the end of the movie, the young man is cleaning up at a huge party when he is told to stop what he's doing and go have some fun.

As he turns to walk away, Morgan Freeman's character grabs his elbow and turns him back saying, "Ask her to dance, don't tell her. Tell her she looks beautiful, not sexy. Tell her you haven't been able to keep your eyes off of her since she came into the room." As he walks over to the girl and talks to her like he was instructed, she lights up and then they go off to dance.

As I watched this scene, it dawned on me how much younger men need older men in their lives. It seems as if the older don't instruct the younger then we as a society condemn ourselves to reliving the same things over and over and over. Younger men don't need instruction because they are stupid or unable to learn, what they need is guidance because they have not traveled as far in life as we older men have. 

I've reached a stage in my life where I am less of a warrior and more now a sage. It's not because I'm so much better than younger men, it's just I've seen more mileage. And as much as younger men need what us older guys know, we need the younger men to help us continue on the work we did in our younger days. Now I'm not talking about scoring with the ladies like the scene in the movie shows, but the larger schemes in life; spending your life with a woman, raising children and being pillars in the community.

If you're an older guy, take heart, there is still plenty for you to do out there. If you're a younger guy, then find some older men and befriend them. They'll help you more than you'll ever know. For the Kingdom and the King!

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