There is one thing that I have always loved, and that is movies. And I don't just like some movies, I like them all; action, science fiction, dramas, comedy, chick flicks, you name it I like it. What I really enjoy the most about them are the stories that they tell, and movies are the easiest way for me to enjoy stories. Don't get me wrong, I love to read a good book as well, but it may take me three to four weeks to finish one and if I watch a movie I can get most of the same information and entertainment in just a few hours of my time.
"Once upon a time", is one of the best phrases that has ever been written down on a page. There is just something about those four simple words that are full of wonder and adventure. And unless you read past them you never get to know how the story goes. And after all, who doesn't love a good story? Story is written on our souls, it's the way we relate to everything and everyone isn't it? I mean, when you sit down to a meal with friends, do you interact with math equations, or filling out forms? No. When you sit down with friends to enjoy a meal, there is always conversations and stories about what has been going on with each
The thing that I really love about movies are what I call the "teachable moments". These to me are the things in a movie that can teach me something about how I should live my life. When my kids were little and we would watch The Lord of the Rings, there is a part of the movie where Samwise Gamgee runs off into the river to chase Frodo Baggins to continue the journey to Mordor, even though Frodo has decided to travel on alone.
Every time we would watch this movie together, I would pause the

DVD at this scene and tell the kids about how Hobbits were suppose to be afraid of water, and that they could not swim very well because they just tended to sink. And that when you see Samwise willing to go to his death rather than leave Frodo alone to his quest, that is what a real friend would do. I would tell them if they were fortunate enough to have one friend like that in their lives they would be blessed for sure.
Movies have truly played a huge part of helping me to become the man that I am. I understand things about myself because of scenes that I have watched being played out in front of my eyes. And I have in turn, used those same scenes to then teach others what I have learned. Movies are more than just entertainment for me, they are a tool that is used to make me a better person. So how about you? What movies do you love, and why? What do they teach you?
Okay, so there's that, let's go learn about ourselves so that we can in turn help others.
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