I tend to do a lot of introspective thinking about my life, and when doing that I will often come to realize through the help of the Holy Spirit that there are changes that I need to make in order for some of His plans for my life to come more into view a little bit better. What today's message got me to thinking about was whether or not I actually implement those plans into my walk with the Lord, or rather do I just make plans to do so?
It's as if something is revealed to me and I see the change that needs to be made, yet what I tend to do is begin to lay out the plan for how that change is going to look in my life. I start drawing up spiritual blueprints for the changes that God wants me to make. And while I have always wanted to pretend to be an architect, perhaps named Art Vandalay, God does not need me to be the architect, but the builder. And while making plans is not a bad thing to do, if you don't do anything with those plans that can be a very poor choice.
Now coming to this realization is not one of those "Ah ha!" moments that I really like, because what this tells me is that I have been having the appearance of Godliness but denying the power
thereof. (2 Timothy 3:5) The interesting thing, is that I have thought that I was doing the right thing all along. It appears that the enemy has snuck up on me once more and brought me to a place of not being where I thought I was.
The really cool thing is that 1 John 1:9 is still working, and that the

Holy Spirit revealed this trap of the enemy to me, so now I can begin the work of building what the blueprints say instead of just piling up more and more blueprints on my spiritual table. How about you? Have you made plans, but failed to act on them? Well then, there is hope for you too. Confess your mistake to God (1 John 1:9) and then pick up that blueprint and get to work building. Let's do this folks, get 'em up...we've got an enemy we need to whip, so let's get after it!
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