Now I'm pretty sure that I read where Jesus was quoted in Matthew 24 about the return of the Messiah. (Matthew 24:33 - 44) It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Jesus is saying here either. But just in case you've never read it, or it just doesn't make sense to you, here it is: NO MAN KNOWS THE HOUR, DAY, MONTH, OR YEAR OF JESUS' RETURN! Only the Father in Heaven knows, and he has not shared that information with anyone else, including Jesus. (If we believe what we've read.)
Now with that said, what should our response be as Christians? Nothing. Yes, you heard me correctly. We should do nothing or say nothing in response to this man's comments. Here is where Christians usually get tripped up, we feel the need to expose or to clarify to the world around us that we are not like the person who is making the outrageous statements. Most times, this makes the Christian community look worse. And I think that is what the devil is trying to do, get all of us up in arms about issues that are not that important.
Well, if the opportunity arises and you find yourself in a position of having to defend Christianity, don't. Take the higher road, and let God fight this battle, after all He was big enough to put this whole world and us together, so I figure that this kind of thing hasn't caught Him unaware. I'm pretty sure He didn't say, "Uh, oh!" If asked about the hope that is within you, give the quick and sure answer of your testimony and then follow up by asking them where they stand with the Lord. We were called to make disciples, and that is what we should be doing every day.
Okay folks, let's get 'em up...the enemy has drawn a line in the sand and we need to face off with him...let's whip something for the Kingdom today!
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