Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Are You Following?

"Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires." The apostle Paul made this statement in the book of Romans, and it makes me wonder where have I been living? I mean, where have I set my mind each and every day? Who is in control of Dave, his flesh or his spirit?

There is this war that wages in my members daily. It is a constant battle to see who is going to come out on top too. Will my flesh win today, or my spirit? Jesus told us that our spirits are willing, but that our flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41) This is not to say that our flesh is stronger than our spirit, not at all, but it can be stronger if we choose to let it. We must decide daily which we will let lead us. Sometimes we must decide hourly or even minute to minute. But the really awesome thing is that we get to decide.

Flip Wilson coined a phrase back in the day, "The devil made me do it!" in his comedy routine.

And while this is funny the way he tells it, it really isn't true. The devil can't make us do unless we choose to follow the leading of our flesh and decide to do it. This is one of the things that I think the devil has put over onto people's minds for such a long time, that we just can't help ourselves. Well we can, if we choose to put our flesh under and be led by our spirit man.

I won't lie though, it can be a challenge, this is why Jesus told us to take up our cross and die daily to our flesh. And it wouldn't kill you to say no to your flesh once in a while. Show it who's boss so to speak. Instead of eating that sugary, delicious piece of chocolate cake for dessert, decide to pass on it and spend that five minutes in the Word of God. When your spouse asks you to do something, instead of letting your flesh decide for you, follow your heart and make the decision to choose to love them and offer yourself to go with what they've asked.

If you will begin to follow your heart (spirit man) instead of your flesh after a while you will be amazed at how much more powerful a Christian you will become. Just don't get discouraged if you fail, go to 1 John 1:9 ask God to forgive you then get back up on that horse and ride him again. You can do this, otherwise God lied, and if God lied then why are we wasting our time huh? Mercy Me did a song a few years back that kind of reminds of what I've been talking about today. Check it out.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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