Sunday, July 10, 2011

Know Thyself, And To Thyself Be True

Something that I have learned from experience, is that no matter who you are, God can use you. I had a conversation with a person who had entered into a new phase of ministry not too long ago. As we talked, I asked them how they were finding their new role to be, to which they replied, "I've not been to bible school, so I can't really do much." (I'm paraphrasing the conversation here.) I will say that this sent up red flags in my mind however, and that "Don't tell me!" spirit on the inside of me began to rise up.

Many years ago I contemplated going to bible school. I sought the Lord concerning whether or not I should go, and in a comical way (I love it when the Lord does that.) He answered my prayers through a travelling minister who came to our church. This man operating through the gifts of the Spirit said to me, "Just as I've used ignorant and unlearned men before, I will use you." There was a lot of laughter, and even the minister was a little taken aback by what the Lord said through him, but that word from God answered my prayer about bible school, and I've been used by God ever since.

One thing that I've noted over the years is this thought that if a person hasn't been formally trained by attending bible school, then they don't have as much to offer the body of Christ. And please understand me, I'm not saying that people shouldn't attend a bible school, they should do whatever the Lord leads them to do, they just shouldn't think they are not as capable if they haven't attended bible school.

Look at the men that Jesus chose as His closest disciples. These men didn't appear to have formal religious training. They were; fishermen, tax collectors, a doctor, a thief, etc. Yet Jesus saw something in each of these men and He called them to follow Him and become His disciples. And it is in this, (Becoming a disciple of Jesus.) where you will find those who are doing the will of God. It is following Jesus as a disciple that is the most important thing, and that does not always include going to bible school.

I think so many people have been cheated out of their place in the Kingdom of God because of them thinking that since they are not formally trained, they cannot do much for Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher and our Guide. He is the One Who instructs us, and that can be done from your living room floor while you read the Bible and pray. God speaks to the hearts of men, and has been since the beginning of time, if you are willing to take the time and listen for Him to do so.

If God is telling you to go to bible school that's great, you should go and give it everything you've got. But if He isn't saying that to you, don't feel that you aren't able to do anything for His Kingdom. Find out what it is that He has for you to do and go and do that with all of your heart. Just know who it is you are, and then be true to that, not short changing yourself in the process.

God will use you if you will let Him. I guess my question to you is, will you let Him? Get 'em up folks, there is a whole world of people who needs us to help them out there, so stop wondering if you can do anything and let God show you that you can!

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