Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grey Days and the Son

When a day starts out cold and dreary, it can, if not prepared for become a cold and dreary day in your soul if you let it. I've met many people whose outlook on life is determined by the weather around them. If the sun is shining and there are blue skies, then they will be happy and in a good mood. On the other hand, if the days tick off one after another with only grey, cloudy skies to show for it, then these same people will have a poor and sad outlook on life.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging these people or making light of what ails them. I do wonder however, how they function in the Kingdom. In God's Kingdom, the currency is faith, and faith is believing what God's Word says is true, even when the circumstances around us say they are not. When it comes to having a bad day because there are clouds in the sky, then I have to ask where is the faith? (That believing what God's Word says is true?)

We can have faith for many, many areas in our lives. Faith for salvation, (We must believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and confess with our mouths that He is our Lord.) faith for our finances, (It is God who meets all of our needs, wants and desires.) even faith for healing as well, (By the stripes on Jesus's back we were made whole.) These are just a few areas, but every facet of human existence on this planet should be operated in by faith. Remember, without faith, the Scripture states, that it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

We have faith in our every day walk too. When you sit in a chair, do you first pick it up and inspect it? Do you look to see that all of the welding, bolts and stitching have been done correctly before you sit down in it? I have never seen anyone do that, they usually just sit down. That is faith. You believe that when you sit the chair will hold your weight. You aren't scared about it, or concerned about it, you just sit down. You do that because you have faith that the chair will hold you up.

What about turning on the lights? Do you take a screwdriver to the light switch and remove the plate covering the wires to make sure that they are all connected properly? No, when you need light in a room, you flip the switch, believing that when you do so the lights will come on. That is faith too. You don't worry and fret over whether or not the lights will come on, you just know that they will.

Why is it that we can have natural faith for everyday common things, but when we bring this over into the realm of Christianity and walking with the Lord we have such a hard time having faith in His Word? I believe it is because of conditioning. We are conditioned to believe that the chair will hold our weight, or that the light switch will turn on the electricity required to light the room. Many of us have not conditioned ourselves to believe what God's Word says is true, for whatever reason. For some it is taught in their local churches that God doesn't heal anymore, in others people through their own life experiences have come to the conclusion that things won't happen for them.

What is so sad, (And not due to the weather.) is when a person accepts the fact that whatever they struggle with is their cross to bear for the Lord. That is sad because when Jesus told us to take up our cross and follow Him, He was telling us to put aside our selfish ways, He was not telling us to walk in poverty, or to take up the cross of sickness. I mean why would He have taken the beating He took? Peter says that He did that for our healing of sicknesses and infirmities. So if He did it for that reason, then why would He also tell us to take up the cross of sickness? It doesn't make sense.

God's Word is true, and we should believe every Word of it. But we have to condition ourselves to believe it, it won't just happen. We have to, as the Bible states, study to show ourselves approved, a workman needing not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) That means that in order to do that, you will have to read your Bible. Your faith will remain small if your only experience with the Word of God is what you get when you go to church. Going to church isn't what will put you over in life, (Even though it is an important part.) you will have to read and study on your own, asking the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct you.

As you study on your own, you will see your faith grow. And as your faith grows, you will become conditioned to believe what His Word says about you, and then you will be operating in the faith of God that pleases Him. So don't let the grey days discourage you, go to God's Word even more when those days arrive and find the truth of who you are in Christ, and what you can do in Christ, and you will see the Son shine in your heart even if the sun outside is not. Get 'em up folks, let's go out and whip something for the Kingdom today!

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