Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Clash of Two Sterotypes

Last night I had the opportunity to almost see the collision of two worlds. I was in the shopping center parking lot, sitting in my truck waiting on my bride to pick me up so we could go and enjoy a nice dinner with friends, when out of nowhere this beat up Ford pickup with really loud exhaust pipes slams on its brakes and slides sideways to avoid hitting this pimped out Blazer.

That's innocent enough, and even though the redneck guy shouldn't have been driving as fast as he was, that is typical on a Saturday night. The guy driving the Blazer just stops his vehicle and
refuses to move forward, which causes the redneck to squeal his tires a bit in response. This is when I thought the conflict would really begin. Throwing open his door, the driver of the Blazer leans out and hollers something at the guy in the pickup, and the redneck
yells back. After about thirty seconds the Blazer guy shut his door
and drove off, and the pickup driver pulled across the parking lot and parked next to his buddy's car.

So I pay attention to the two guys as they get out of their vehicles, and the guy driving the Blazer turns out to be one of those wanna be gangster types. You know, a white momma's boy all decked out in the latest hip hoppers outfit, baggy pants, shirt too big and hat cocked to the side. You know the type, the guy that if push came to shove would probably fall apart if someone actually confronted him. The guy in the pickup gets out and sure enough, sleeveless button up plaid shirt, jeans tucked into his boots and a Mohawk in desperate need of a trim.

What I witnessed last night was the epitome of stereotypes in a clash that wouldn't have been really between titans, but more like young men who had yet to grow up. Little boys in young men's bodies who would have been better off just parting ways, chalking it up to something minor instead of getting all worked up about an almost vehicle mishap.

Life really is interesting if you pay attention to it. Get 'em up folks, let's go whip something for the Kingdom of God!

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