Friday, April 15, 2011

The Passage of Time

April 6, 2011 marked the one year anniversary of the death of my youngest son. As I spoke of in an earlier blog, the passage of time is an interesting thing. The other day I was out in the yard, looking around at the beginnings of spring with the blooms of all the many trees in my yard and some perennial flowers showing off their glory. It was then that I noticed Noah's tree.

Noah's tree, is what I call this little tree because we planted it after he died. A good friend of our family, Holly Jones talked her parents into buying us this tree last year in honor of Noah, who loved to climb trees. My bride planted it where it would grow the best, which just happens to be where I can see it from my rocking chair on the porch.

The blooms on the tips of this little sapling brought me some hope that day. Hope that with the passage of time I will see more healing. You see just as this tree is little now, it will eventually grow into a much bigger one through the years. And by watching it get larger each year, that will help me to keep track of the time where my heart will hurt less than it does right now for the loss of my son.

Who would have thought that a gift of a tree would help in the healing process of grief for me? Thank you Holly Wolly Bing Bong for your thoughtfulness in giving us that tree. You are a true friend to me and my family, and we love you very much! Get 'em up folks, let's go out and whip something for the Kingdom today!

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