Friday, February 6, 2015


    The definition of the word purpose is as follows: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

Yesterday I began a discussion about purpose, and decided to continue on this path today.  Think about it for a minute, a life without purpose makes me ask the question, what’s the point?  Look at the last part of purpose’s definition: the reason for which something exists.  Purpose is the reason for which something or dare I say someone exists?

I hope if you have been reading anything I’ve written over the years you have come to realize I am a Christian.  If I’ve been too covert in my attempt to make people realize this about me, forgive me.  I believe in intelligent design, you know how God created the heavens and the earth, and you and me.  He is the master designer of all this world, and yes for those of you who are of a scientific bent, I also believe in the big bang theory.  I believe God said it, and “bang” it happened.

Using this as the premise of what I’d like to discuss today, since God designed everything, and if He did so then doesn’t it stand to reason He probably gave everything and everyone He designed a purpose, or a reason to exist?

Take a pair of snow boots for example.  They are designed to give you traction on snow and ice, and keep your feet warm and dry.  Their purpose is pretty evident in their design.  Now if you saw a person by the ocean on a sandy beach wearing a bathing suit and a pair of snow boots, it would probably get your attention.  I’m sure you’d think, what is that guy thinking?  Because the boots were not designed to be worn at the beach, right?

I feel many of us are like the snow boots at the beach, we do have a purpose but we are unable to fulfill it because we don’t realize what our purpose actually is.  I know for myself, as I said yesterday, sometimes life gets in the way of living out your purpose. 

Have you ever started to prepare to go on vacation?  You know getting all your ducks in a row at work, making sure your animals will be taken care of, and arranging for somebody to pick up the mail for you.  Isn’t it amazing how hard we work in order to be able to leave and go on a vacation?  If we’d work that hard all the time, we’d all probably be millionaires huh?

This may be one of the best examples of living with purpose I’ve ever seen.  Because you have a goal you are reaching for; your vacation.  You work and strive so hard in order to leave for a few days, all because you have a purpose in mind.  Oh that we could have that drive and determination every day of our lives.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful?

What I realize is this, if I can determine (with God’s help) what I have been designed to do while I live on this planet, then each and every day leads itself to becoming better and better because I will actually be living in my purpose.  I would be following the Master’s design for my life.

   I ended my blog yesterday with Jeremiah 29:11 where God tells His people He has great plans for us.  I don’t think those plans involved us just existing day to day, living from paycheck to paycheck.  I believe we’ve grossly misinterpreted God’s intentions for us on this planet, and we need to get back to His plans, and His design.

But you might ask, “Yeah, Dave that’s great and all, but how do I do that?”  Well there are many avenues of finding out those answers, first off I would encourage you to get alone for a time with God and ask Him.  Remember He’s the one who said in the Bible if any of you lack wisdom ask God. (James 1:5)  I’d also like to invite you to visit , which is run by a man named Gary Barkalow whose purpose is helping others determine their calling or purpose.  There are many great tools on his website which will help you.

Before I end this blog today, I’d like to encourage you not feel as if you are in a bad place in your life.  Feeling sorry for yourself, or beating yourself up because you aren’t where you feel you should be is never helpful.  Use this time to realize where you actually are, and then begin to seek God for answers as to how to get where He wants you to be.

There is an old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”  And neither should you think you will achieve what God has designed you for quickly.  If I’ve learned anything from God, it is He works slowly and steadily.  Just take each day as it comes to you, determine your purpose and then see where it leads you.  I know you can do this, I believe in you.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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