Thursday, January 26, 2012

Are You Listening To The Rabble?

Look at this passage of Scripture found in Numbers 11:4 AMP, And the mixed multitude among them [the rabble who followed Israel from Egypt] began to lust greatly [for familiar and dainty food], and the Israelites wept again and said, Who will give us meat to eat? This leapt off of the page at me this morning, because I'm afraid that I too, have been swayed by the rabble in my own life from time to time.

I looked up the word rabble and it means, a disorganized or disorderly crowd of people : mob : the lowest class of people. I'm sure that you have run into these types of people before as well, they may be well meaning, but usually have a "Debbie Downer" type attitude. You know, the if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all kind of people.

In this story about the Israelites, two years has passed since they left Egypt and they had been eating manna for a while. It was as they listened to the rabble their attitude about life began to change. This is not to say they were not to blame, they still made the decision to complain, whine and cry. You will see this again and again in this story of the Children of Israel following Moses in the wilderness. I for one have tried to learn the lesson of "not complaining" from these stories, because I don't want to wander around for a long time not doing what I should be for the Kingdom.

My question this morning is who's voices are you listening to? Are you listening to what God says in His Word about you, or do you hear the rabble complaining? You can't stop the rabble from running their mouths, but what you do have the power to do is to stop your mind from believing what they say over what God says. If you hear, the economy is so bad, I don't know how we're going to make it. Don't believe that! The truth of God's Word is that it is He who supplies all our needs according the His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. If you hear someone say, it's the flu season, don't believe them and just agree, speak the Word which says that by Jesus's stripes you are healed.

We are the captains of our own destiny when it comes to what we believe and what we get from the Lord. He loves everyone the same, but not everyone gets the same things. This is not because He shows favoritism, He doesn't. He has hidden all of His promises in the Word for us to find and begin to walk in. He's hidden them for us, not from us but there is a catch, and that is that you have to find them. And when you do, and start walking in the truths that you find there, you will see how much easier it is to ignore the rabble and what all they are saying and truly find the blessing of the Lord in your life! Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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