Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Trusting Him Especially Now

You know since I have started this journey of not having a job to go to each day, I can honestly say it has been very interesting. I seem to be way more observant of what we have in the bank, pantry and my soul. We have cut back on our spending, only doing what is absolutely necessary of course. I'm not gorging myself like I used to either, not living in lack, but thinking more frugally for a change.

The biggest thing for me however, is to be aware of my soul and what I am believing. First off, understand that when I use the term soul, I'm talking about my mind, will and emotions, not my spirit man. My spirit man is the part of me that is made in the image of God, is born again and filled with God's Spirit. My soul, is the part of me that reasons, feels emotionally and retains information.

What I'm finding is that all of that time I have spent over the last several years putting God's Word into my heart is paying off. When situations arise that I don't know what to do, God's Word comes up out of my spirit and I begin to quote it to myself and the circumstances change. Let me give you an example of my day yesterday, and how this looked in my life.

I was going to go to Broken Arrow to help some guys mow a lady's yard. She goes to church with us, and doesn't have any yard equipment, so we were going to help her out. As I was heading in that direction, I first needed to stop by the shoe store and get the store's deposit so I could take it to the bank for my bride. As I was walking across the parking lot to the store, I heard something and looked back at my truck only to find radiator fluid flowing out of my truck onto the pavement. So, instead of driving the truck, I took the van.

Now as I was gassing up the van, I thanked God for His provision. This is something new for me, as I've not always done that before. Now I thank Him for providing gas for my vehicles each time I fill up and check the oil. I got to Broken Arrow, mowed the lady's yard and headed back to Sapulpa to pick up my daughter and take her to work. About half way back, the check engine light started flashing and the motor starting acting funny. Talk about coincidence! Two vehicles in less than three hours, what the heck?

I was reminded in my spirit of that Scripture that says that God is our very present help in times of trouble. (Psalm 46:1) I immediately reminded the Lord of His Word and followed that up by saying, "Lord, help! I'm in trouble!" So I made it home, waited for my son to arrive, took the car he's been borrowing (he blew the motor in his car a couple of weeks ago) and took Sissy to work. When I got back to the shoe store I checked on my truck and found out after talking with a friend that it looks like my water pump may have gone out, the leaking was due to something called a "weeping valve" or something like that. (actually that was good news for me, that's an easy fix with some of my friends of course)

It seems with all that has gone on in my life the past few weeks, my faith has been tried more than ever before. Maybe because I have not really had to trust in my God like I am having to do now. Proverbs 3:5 - 6 has become my life Scripture; "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will show you which path to take." Thank You Jesus, for helping me and my family learn how to stay closer to Your heart and experience this full life You promised us! (John 10:10)

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

1 comment:

Tab said...

t's good to know we arent the only ones walkin' thru this kinda stuff. thanks for the encouragent!