Friday, September 2, 2011

People Need Jesus, Not A Jackass

In John 13:34 - 35 Jesus said, "Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples - when they see the love you have for each other." The Greek word that Jesus used for love is the word "agapao" which means, "to welcome, to entertain, to be fond of, to love dearly".

Today's blog may be a little too much for some people, but I know that I need to hear this, and if I need to, others do too. In my life, the love walk is probably the hardest thing that I have ever had to do. I can dismiss a person in a matter of seconds, without even really thinking about it. That's sad to admit, especially when the whole reason that Jesus came and took that beating and died on the cross was because of love. He loved us so that we could love others.

So since I realize that I have a hard time with this, what is at the heart of me not wanting to love others? Being a jackass. You heard me correctly, the reason that I don't love is because I am a jackass. Okay, here is the definition I found of the word jackass: A foolish or stupid person; a blockhead. Now I understand the power of confession, and saying the right things, but if I don't do what Jesus says, that is foolish and stupid. That is me being a blockhead.

I think selfishness is at the heart of the whole thing. Love is hard, it takes something to give of yourself to others and not look for anything in return. If there is any hint of selfishness, then you won't be able to give love, it will stop up the flow of God in your life. And this is the really stupid thing, I know better, and I bet you do too.

Sometimes for me, I just allow myself to get distracted by the cares of this life. We all have things that we have to do, that is part of this life. But what we must not do is let those little things come in and cause us to miss out on the opportunity to give love to someone who may be in a place of great need in their lives. Remember, some people are really good poker players. They may be looking like they've got it all together on the outside, but on the inside there could be a tremendous storm raging.

What I need to do is let the love of Jesus shine through me, and be Jesus to the people that I come into contact with, instead of thinking of myself and acting like a jackass. If you would like to do the same thing, then pray this prayer with me. Father, I ask You now according to 1 John 1:9 to forgive me for withholding love to those around me. Holy Spirit, I ask You to remind me when I see others to let the light of Jesus shine through me, and not show my own selfish ways. In Jesus Name, Amen.

So let's be Jesus and not jackasses! Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

1 comment:

Cary Sims said...

Storms rage within so many yet we feel a need to keep it to ourself and not share. I believe God did not make us that way. He made us to do life together. Great blog, and great point my friend. I am thankful I have got to do life with you the last quarter century!