Saturday, September 3, 2011

And So It Begins...

DC Talk put out a song a few years back called Nu Thang, and the opening lyrics go like this:

"Ya know He's doin' it,
God is doin' a nu thang."

Well I'd like to say that there is something new going on with the Felts family. And yes, I do believe that God is in it.

One of the things that I love most about the Bible is the stories that God tells us. Really, there is a just about any type of story you might want in there; from romance to action to horror. God loves a good dramatic story too. Look at the story of the three Hebrew children for instance. God didn't rescue them, until they were thrown into the flames. What about Moses? He leads the people out of Egypt only to be pursued by Pharaoh and his army. And it is not until their backs are up against the wall that He tells Moses to raise his staff so they could pass through the Red Sea. I mean, He could have had angels wipe the army out, He didn't have to make the people wait like that did He?

God isn't cruel, and He doesn't like to see mankind suffer, or just play games with us, no He likes to show off! I'm convinced of that the more I read through the Bible, and live on this planet. After all He's God, He could have smote all of the Egyptians and just let His people leave any time that they wanted to, but instead He chose to send Moses, and let the story play out that way.

The Bible was given to us to be an inspiration and instruction manual. Like the acronym says:
B. asic
I. nstructions
B. efore
L. eaving
E. arth

That is what the Bible can be, to those who will receive it. The instruction manual which helps you to know the who's, what's when's, where's and why's of this life. But unlike what most of us would prefer, the Bible/God does not give a step by step, play by play, this is exactly how things are going to go way of following Him. Remember, without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) God wants us to trust Him, and to do that we have to live by faith. And faith doesn't work if you have all of the answers, all of the time.

And so that brings me to the announcement that I want to make this morning. Faith and trusting God. Something that the Felts family is now going to get to live out in a much bigger way than we ever have before. And it is exciting, and a little bit scary at the same time. You see, after today I will no longer be Dave the shoe-guy. After 19 years as Sapulpa's shoe-guy, the decision has been made that I must step down from the store and pursue other employment.

With the effects of the present economy, and new retail shoe locations popping up all around our area, business has been off for the past couple of years. As we looked at the numbers from the beginning of this year, our losses have just about equaled my salary. The decision was made that if my salary was taken out of the business, then it should begin to at least break even. And as I'm sure you are aware, a business that is losing money cannot stay in business. (Despite what our government thinks.)

So as of 6 PM today, you will not find me at Felts Shoes in Sapulpa. (Unless I happen to be there to take lunch to my bride. She is staying on to help out for the time being.) But before you think that this is a bad thing, I am excited about the opportunities that lie before me and my family. Yes, it might be tight financially for a time, but it is also a great time for God to show up in our lives and save the day, so to speak.

For many, many years now I have counseled men to not just take a job to make money, but to go out and find what it is that makes their hearts come alive and then to go out and do that. Because what this world really needs is men who have come alive. And if you find that work which God has for you to do, then it really isn't work at all. And what I have seen in the lives of those who have done this, is that the money follows them. Okay, and for those of you who think that I'm going to sit around and wait for God to bring it to me, that is not how He works, so I will be looking for gainful employment to provide for my family, my focus is just not going to be just about a paycheck.

God's Word is true. God is a faithful God. Me, and my family are right in the center of His will. And while I know that, this does not mean that we haven't had to reevaluate some things, and ask Him if in fact this was caused by sin in our lives, or an attack of the enemy. Cheryl and I feel as if we may have missed God a few years back and should have left the store then, we've asked the Lord to forgive us for not listening closer and following His leading back then, but you know when you have the security of a paycheck, it can be distracting to the leading of the Holy Ghost. It shouldn't be, but it was in our case.

The really amazing thing is that God is a redeemer and a forgiver. And I believe that at 47 years of age, my best days are ahead of me. I told Cheryl one night not too long ago, that I wanted the last half of my life to be better, and for me to do more for the Kingdom of God than the first half of my life. And I believe that with God's help, it will be! So be on the lookout for a new man after today, God is amazing, and it is my honor to get to serve Him and learn a nu thang for sure!

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

Oh, and if you haven't pre-ordered my latest book, "God's First Knight: In Service Of The King" click the link at the top right hand corner of this page and get your copy pre-ordered today.


Tab said...

All I can think to comment is: "YES, YES!!! AMEN YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK!!" We are in agreement with you guys and believe you latter days will be greater than your former days AND you will touch many more lives for The Kingdom than ever before!!

Derek said...

Congratulations as you step through this veil, Dave. Now... what do you want to do next? Where's God leading your heart? Remain passionate and fight hard, my friend.

Love you.

Cary Sims said...

OK my friend, new wait new book! :) I am so proud of you, God has a plan and rest it knowing if you do your part, He will do His!