Monday, September 26, 2011

I Talk To Myself, And I'm Not Crazy

Talking to yourself has gotten a bad wrap I think. If I stand around out in public and talk to myself, it won't be long until somebody is going to think that I am mentally unstable. Yet, we are actually encouraged in Scripture to talk to ourselves, and by doing so it starts the process of renewing our minds to the truth of God's Word.

In Joshua chapter one, God is encouraging the new leader of the Israelite nation to be strong and of good courage. He tells Joshua to meditate on the laws of God (God's Word), and then his way would prosper and he would have good success. Another word for meditate is to mutter. To say over and over again what God's Word says about you.

Now let me bring this over into today's way of life. There is plenty of ugly stuff out there to make you think that you can never make it in this life. But that doesn't change the fact that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He also said, "I am the Lord and I change not." (Malachi 3:6) We can take Him at His Word, that whatever He did for Joshua, He will do for us. The really cool thing is that we have a better covenant than Joshua had.

We are living in a time that is the most exciting time in history, and we can and do have what we say. So let me ask you this, what are you saying when you talk to yourself? And believe me, we all talk to ourselves. What did you call yourself the last time you did something wrong? Did the words, "idiot", "moron", "stupid", or some other word that is similar to those? We are programmed to say the wrong things to ourselves, it's the way of this world. Don't believe me? Watch the news for a few minutes and see if you don't hear more negative news than positive.

The most important things said about us, come from us. Remember the story about David and his men in the Bible? They had gone out to fight, and came back to find that all of their families, animals and stuff had been taken by some bad guys. It was so bad that these mighty, warriors all sat down in the dirt and began to cry. Things got real ugly when they began to talk about killing David. So what did David do? Scripture states that David encouraged himself in the Lord.

How'd he do that? He began to rehearse all of the good things that God had done for him up to this point. Once he was able to get his emotions under control, he then asked the Lord if he should chase after the bad guys to get all their families, animals and stuff back. The Lord told him to go and do it, and they did and got everything back.

Did you notice that David was in no place to hear from God until he encouraged himself (Began to talk to himself) in the Lord? I think that is where I miss it a lot of times, I talk about what is going on, but forget to talk to myself and get back on course with the Lord. Maybe I should do that more often, hmm, I think I will. How about you? Are you going to begin to talk to yourself in the right way now?

Strength and honor!

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