Thursday, March 31, 2016

31 Day Writing Challenge Day 19 - Men Are Not Stupid

I know I’ve talked about this before, but once again I was reminded of how there is an all out assault on men, and it is trying to discredit them in the eyes of the world.  Now before you think I’m some type of conspiracy theorist or something, let me just say if you open your eyes and keep an open mind you will see what I am saying is true.
When I was growing up John Wayne was king as far as I was concerned.  It wasn’t until later on in my life I realized just how truly awesome he was as a man; both in his movies and his life.  I just read yesterday about John Wayne on the set with one of his stunt doubles, when the man’s grandson came for a visit.  Upon meeting Mr. Wayne, the young boy asked, “What do you do in the movies?”  He replied, “I stand in for your grandpa, and do his close ups.”
Instead of taking the credit for being a big Hollywood star, he made the decision to lift up this grandpa in the eyes of his grandson.  He set himself aside; which is one of the traits of what a true man does.  Hearing these kinds of things about one of my heroes helps me to see how I should act in my own life as a man too.
The society we live in could use more men like John Wayne too.  I feel we have allowed the world to dictate to us what men should be, and how we should act, to such a degree that when you actually see a man living in a way other than what is considered the norm by the world’s standards, people are shocked, and don’t know how to handle it.
Too often, men are portrayed as imbecilic, selfish morons who are only about themselves.  I remember there was a commercial for State Farm a few years back which really made men look stupid.  In it, a man and woman are walking in a city, she is talking on the phone to their State Farm agent, and he is carrying a falcon.  Check out the video here.

If you will notice, there are men all throughout the commercial who have purchased ridiculous things.  The woman says, “That explains it.”  at the end of the commercial and the implication is men are stupid.  Truthfully, I don’t find this commercial funny, but offensive.  It’s just one more slam by society to show men as morons bereft of the ability to make wise decisions.
Does this mean I’ve always made great decisions as a man? Absolutely not, I’ve made some doozies in my time.  But does making bad decisions define who I am?  No.  I’d like to think what defines me as who I am is this ability I have to put my needs aside, and see to it those in my life are taken care of first; namely my bride and children.

I wish John Wayne was still alive today because I think we need role models as men who are willing to portray what a man really is not only as a Hollywood star, but in real life too.  God I pray you bring real men back to forefront of society and help us lead others to become the men You want us to be.

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