Friday, May 15, 2015

What Would They Say About You

It is early in the morning, and I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee and laptop. I've done my daily Bible reading, had a little cake and a thought occurred to me, so I figured I'd blog about it. If you died today, and people all gathered together to celebrate your life, what would they say about you? What would you like them to say about you?

We all make an impact on the world around us; some for good, others for bad. But one thing is for sure, we all effect change of some sort to the people we come into contact with. Have you ever stopped to consider what this impact is? It's something I think about from time to time; hoping I'm making positive change in my world, but I often wonder if I am or not.

Not to be morbid, but I've thought about my funeral in the past. Oh not because I feel I'm going to die anytime soon, I've got too much left to do; my son getting married, both of my children eventually having kids of their own; my grand kids who will need me to be here to spoil, love and share my knowledge with. Not to mention my bride Cheryl and I have the best part of our lives left to live. No, I've thought about it, because it helps me to see where I am currently, and if I need to make any changes.

What do I want people to say after I'm gone? What legacy will I leave behind? Will people even miss me? These are just some of the things I wonder about. I hope people will say, "He loved his wife and kids unlike any other man I know." "He was a man who loved people, and gave his life trying to help others." "He was a lot of fun to be around, he made me laugh." 

As I was writing this, this thought occurred to me, in order for me to have people say things like this about me after I'm gone, I need to know who I am in order to live my life in such a way as to give people the ability to say these things.  Because, if I don't know who I am, how can anyone else know? It made me think of a scene from the movie "Second Hand Lions", check it out.

Now what I really like about this scene, is not so much the fighting exactly, (although it is great) but the fact Hub McCann knows who he is, and there is no doubting it. I can't wait for others to define who I am, I have to do this. This is one of the problems men face, trying to define who they are exactly. Oh you'll here them say, "I'm a doctor." or "I'm a ditch digger." but this is really not "who" they are, but what they do. For many years as I ran a retail shoe store, I referred to myself as Dave the Shoe-guy. And I am still called this years after stepping out of the shoe business, but this is not who I am.

I'm David, the guy who loves his wife, is proud of his kids and works hard to help those around him find the better life in Jesus. When I keep this as my focus, and not what I do, then I think it will be easy for people to say what I'd like them to say after I'm gone. I just want to leave my mark on the world and those around me.

For the Kingdom and the King!

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