Monday, May 4, 2009

What's The World Coming To? You Choose.

Okay, so last night I'm watching a little bit of Law and Order Criminal Intent on Bravo, when this commercial comes on for It's one of their "I promise to...." commercials with couples that have met on the website making promises to each other in various public places.

So I've been seeing these for a while, and to tell the truth, I wasn't really paying too much attention to it, and chose to get up and grab a cup of coffee. I hear this guy saying something like, "I promise to never play the martyr role....", and then the strangest thing, I hear another male voice promising something back to the first male voice. At this point, I quit pouring my cup of coffee, and looked at the screen. I must admit that I was shocked at what I saw there in living color on my television. There are two guys standing there holding hands in a market and promising things to each other.

Now, now before you say it, I'll just go on record and say that I do not subscribe to homophobia, nor do I think of myself as a homophobe. Here is the definition of homophobia: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals. I do not fear nor have an aversion to, or discriminate against homosexuals in any way. We as part of humanity have all been created in the likeness of God and that likeness is a spiritual one. Yet I will go on record as disagreeing with their life's choices, just I would if I saw someone who was an alcoholic, or a man beating his wife and children. Which unless I'm mistaken is still my right to do in least for a little while.

What I do disagree with, and have an aversion to is this type of blatant, in your face tactic to push the homosexual agenda forward. I do understand that for this was probably a business decision to cater to the homosexual demographic, thus increasing their marketshare and making them more money. I guess kudos to them for reaching out...but what I think bothers me the most here is that it is just one more thing in bringing this minority to the forefront, making people think that it is really the majority.

The real problem here is that from my side of the fence (an overtly Christian viewpoint), homosexuality is usually attacked by hurling insults, Scripture and homophobic rhetoric and not viewing it for what it really is...a choice. I seem to remember somewhere in the Bible where we are told that life and death, blessing and cursing are set before us, we are then told to choose life, but ultimately we are the ones who must choose. God does not force His will upon us, and neither should we force our will upon matter which side of the fence we are on....strength and honor....

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