Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm Afraid That I'm Becoming Obsolete

You know that now we've been in the 21st Century for a few years, I'm becoming more and more aware that I may be in danger of becoming obsolete.

As I watch society and see the changes that have been rocketing us into a new place, I find that my thoughts tend to not fit in as well as they used to. For instance, tattoos have become common place. People are getting tattoos so fast the ink hardly has a chance of drying before they are getting another one. I for one, do not like tattoos. I remember the days when the only people that got tattoos were soldiers, prisoners and your crazy Uncle Louie (name made up to protect the innocent) who thought it might be fun to get one. Now kids are hardly out of grade school and they are designing the tat they are going to get as soon as they can. And I'm labeled a crack pot, or fool because I don't like them.

Another thing is society's pre-occupation with the "coolness" of being gay or lesbian. I personally believe that it is wrong. That is "my" opinion, which I am entitled to have. I have friends that are in the gay/lesbian camp. The friends that I have there I consider to be really good friends of mine, and I love them deeply. But I do have to say, I don't understand their decision. And I know that it is their decision to make, and if I'm to stay their friend I have to accept them and the decision they have made. I don't have to agree with it, but I love them and will continue my relationship because of my love for them.

Yet, I don't understand this whole gay/lesbian attitude to force people to accept them. It seems for the most part, and I know that I am talking in the general sense here, that if I don't accept the gay/lesbian way of thinking, and make their point of view my point of view, then my ideas, my thoughts and my opinions are labeled as hateful ones, and not worthy of any time in the debate. My obsolete opinion is just trod under foot as that of an un-enlightened primative man's musings and therefore not worth anything.

I'm in danger of becoming obsolete, because I think that a man should be a man and stand up for what is right and true in life. I'm really tired of special interest groups telling everyone else what to believe, and that if they don't agree with them then they are wrong. I'm in danger of becoming obsolete because the world doesn't want real men anymore. In the world's eyes there is no need for men. We should all be androgynous beings, not really male or female, just beings who "love" each other.

What happened to the men that fought in World War II? What would happen if we were forced to re-instate the draft and go to war in the near future? Would there being any men left to go to war? Or would they be too concerned with getting along with everyone and just refuse to fight injustice? Sometimes there is a peace that only comes at the end of a sword, I don't like it, but that is just the way it is. There are bad people in the world that want nothing more than to kill as many people as get in there way. The only way to stop them is for someone to stand between them and the innocent. That takes real men, and this way of thinking is becoming obsolete.

I may be in danger of becoming obsolete as a man in this 21st century, but let me say one thing...I will not become obsolete without a fight. There is one man here who is willing to stand against injustice, and the will of special interest groups who fight unfairly. I am that man, and will continue to be that man until they finally cover my grave with dirt. So, who's with me? Strength and honor....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love to hear talk of "the good old days". I am amazed at the present world view: Everyone MUST think alike all the while "embracing" diversity.