Friday, March 27, 2009

Life Gets In The Way

You know today I was working on a message that I'm going to share with a men's group next week. It's all about how it is important that as men we have a band of brothers that we can depend on.

As I was writing my thoughts down, I realized that I was going to tell the men that one of the things that they need to do to make it work is to be sure and find time for each other outside of church and bible studies.

I for one, have a real hard time making this happen, although I am making better strides at this year than ever before. It's just that it seems that life is always getting in the way.

I mean you want to get together with a couple of buddies and hang out around a campfire, but you've gotta do something at work that takes all night, or you have work around the house to get to. It always seems to be something.

What I've done that has really helped this year is to actually schedule my times of hanging out with my buddies. I don't take it for granted that we'll get together, I make it a priority and put it down in my scheduler...and you know what? I'm finding that life is not getting in the way nearly as much now...

Okay, so there's that...strength and honor.....

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