Saturday, March 14, 2009

You are more than you think you are...

I've been pondering some stuff lately and one of those things is that we are definately more than we think we are. If we are not careful, we will only see one view of ourselves, and that is from the outside in.

There is a danger in only looking from the outside in, and that is that the outside changes from day to day. I mean think about it, how'd you look 20 years ago? I know that I was in a completely different shape 20 years ago than I am now.

What we have to train ourselves to do is to look at ourselves like God looks at us, from the inside out. When God looks at us, He sees the Jesus in us. And the really exciting thing is that while we are changing on the outside (usually for the worse) on the inside we are getting better and better, as long as we are being doers of God's Word.

We have to begin to see ourselves as He sees us. We have to find those scriptures that talk about who we are in Christ, and then begin to say that about ourselves, because after all that is the truth. There are approx. 130 scriptures in the New Testament that tell you who you are, what you have and what you can do in Christ. Find them, and begin to say that about yourself and you will see your inside man (the real you) begin to rise up and be what God says you are.

We are definately more than we think we are....we are what God's Word says we are....strength and honor....


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