Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Is This Your Battle To Fight?

I was talking with a friend the other day. He had called me to ask my opinion about a situation that was going on in his business. Without going into the particulars, and naming names, suffice it to say that my friend is a Christian business man, and his employee is not a Christian.

As we talked, he told me that he was going to have to fire the employee, and that he didn't want that to cause this man to not come to Christ as a result. We talked a little more, and I told him that he really needed to seperate the two issues, one, the fact that he wanted this young man to be saved (a noble thing to be sure) and two the fact that he was not doing the job that he was hired to do.

As I have thought about this a little bit more today, it got me to wondering if we actually take on battles that really we haven't been called to fight. I know that there have been times where I felt like I needed to jump in and try and save the day, but did I actually? I mean if I took the time to stop and search my heart asking the Father, I might have been better off.

I'm pretty sure that some of the things that I feel are all important and need doing, the Father would say otherwise. It's not always my fight, sometimes these things just get in the way of what Jesus would actually have us to do. I think sometimes the enemy brings things to us to battle that aren't our fight, just to distract us from what the Father really wants.

Anyway, that's just a random thought for the day...keep your sword up...strength and honor........

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