Now why that is some what humorous, or disturbing depending on how you were disciplined as a child. This one area has been attacked in our modern era and we are now reaping a harvest of poor citizens because of it. Children can be a handful that much is true. And being in the retail environment, I have seen just about every type of kid you can imagine. And let me say right here and now, there are no bad children. There are children that have never been corrected or trained which causes them to act out a certain way, which most of the time makes people cringe, but the kids themselves are not inherently bad.
What we really have is a parenting problem, not a kid problem. Just today, I had a rather attractive mother with two kids come into my store and begin to shop around to see what they could see. The little boy, about two years old I'd say was getting into all types of stuff, something typical for this age child to do. He reached for a package of shoe laces that are on a little counter I have and almost knocked it over and spilled all the laces onto the ground. Notice I said, "almost".

What happened next is why I decided to write this blog. Her voice rose in pitch as she began to scream at him and say to him, "Come on we've got to get out of this store before you tear it down!" "Hold my hands, both of you, stop that, don't touch that, quit it!" And they were gone.
The sad thing about this scene is that the children didn't walk away from this encounter having learned something that will make them better people. The little boy may grow up and have a phobia about shoelaces, but he didn't learn to control himself, because his mother didn't control herself. This really wasn't a spanking offense, and the real reason that mommy got so mad is because the little boy had embarrassed her in the store. And embarrassment is never a reason to discipline your child in any fashion.
We used wooden spoons on our kids when they were little. We would tell them no, then if they continued doing whatever we had told them no about, we would very calmly say, "No." again, and then spat their behind with the wooden spoon. That is until they got big enough that we would break the spoon, then we moved on to a wooden paddle. On a side note, here's a funny story about wooden spoons. Every year for Christmas since Cheryl and I have been married, my mom has always made her a mother-in-law box. This is something that was started by my Grandmother, and she gave to my mom.
Through out the year, my mom collects little knick knacks that she thinks Cheryl will like, and puts them into a box. On Christmas day, Cheryl opens the box and goes through all the things in it. This is one of the highlights of Christmas, especially since my mom started hiding cash in the various packages inside the box. Well one year, Cheryl pulled out a package of wooden spoons, and exclaimed, "Wooden spoons, great! I have broken all of mine on the kids, and I need new ones!" My mom grabbed the package and took it away from her saying, "Not on my grand babies!" We all had a laugh, and Cheryl promised to not use them on the kids. That's when we switched over to a wooden paddle.
The thing about paddling your children that you need to know is that you don't spank when you are angry or embarrassed. Spanking your children is a disciplining technique you use to modify the behavior of your child. So before you spank, your kids should know the rules about what they may get spanked for. For instance, if your child spills milk at the breakfast table, this is not a punishable offence. If, however your child throws the glass of milk across the room, then that is.
Before you spank your child, make sure that you are in control of yourself and calm. Take them aside, and talk to them about what they've done. Ask them to repeat to you what they did wrong. After you are sure that they understand, then turn them over your knee and paddle their bottoms with two to three swats. These need to be hard enough to make an impression, but not so hard to bruise. Also, it is good to know what the laws are in your state concerning paddling. In Oklahoma, it is okay as long as you don't bruise the child, bruising your children is a misdemeanor.
Remember, you are wanting to change the behavior, not the spirit of your child. Don't crush their little hearts by blasting away at them. They don't know a lot yet, and we as their parents are supposed to be teaching them the right ways. Also, never use your hands to spank your children. Our hands were made to hold and to love our kids, not to hit them. Using a paddle makes your son or daughter fear the rod, not you. Also, after you have finished spanking them, let them cry for a minute or two, it won't hurt them. Then afterwards, pray with them and help them learn how to ask God to forgive them according to 1 John 1:9, then be sure they know that you have forgiven them too. Then love on them and go about your day.
There is a lot to parenting, but you can do it as long as you stay calm and remember that our jobs as parents is to help train up the next generation to be the best they can be. You can do this!
1 comment:
Not only are children not being taught how to behave in public, they are not being taught how to behave when they are a guest in someone else's home.
Don't even get me started on this one....
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