Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's What Dads Do

What’s it like giving your daughter to a man in marriage?  What thoughts are traveling through my head as we get closer to the day of the wedding ceremony?  How will I react at the moment I see my baby girl in her the dress she said yes to?  Have I poured my life into hers enough?  Did I do everything possible to help make her a success in life?

These are just a few of the questions in my brain right at the moment.  And the actual day of the wedding, who knows?  I know I sure don’t.  But wait, I remember now, my heavenly Father knows the beginning from the end, and everything in between too.  He knows what Saturday will bring, and how we all will act/react to the day.

I’m sure there’ll be stress enough for all of us, but then I remember again Jesus telling us to give all of our cares to Him, because He first cared for us.  He said take My yoke, because it’s easy.  I think there is something there for me.  Thank You Holy Spirit for reminding me of this, now help me walk it out.

I know I’m not the first dad to give away his daughter in marriage, and I won’t be the last for sure.  I’m not scared for Dylan and April; I’m actually excited for their life to get started.  I see great things ahead of them, even though there will be difficulties in their future like all newlywed couples face.  One thing I do know about my baby girl is she watched as her mother and I faced life together and she has learned what it means to be a team.

And no matter what things I wonder about their future together, I know they both are wondering about this too.  The major difference is I have the benefit of age and more mileage on me.  I’ve been down the married road for twenty-six years now, so I know a few more things than they do only by virtue of having walked this road longer.  And while I can be there to help when they have questions, it will be up to them to actually walk it out and become one just like Christ said.

Mine and Cheryl’s role now will be to become even bigger cheerleaders for the two of them.  Just like when April was a little girl we didn’t shelter her from things, but allowed her to go through certain things in order for her to grow, we will be there to answer questions in the future, but will always encourage her to face the situations head on with Dylan and work them all out.  In this way they will grow as a married couple which can help others in the future.

I have mixed emotions right now for sure.  On the one hand, I want my baby girl to stay and live with us forever because she brings a joy to my home unlike any other.  But at the same time, I want her to go out and do for God what He has planned for her.  I know this is the best thing for her, and there in lies the bottom line of parenting….doing what is best for your kids. 

So while I love my baby girl and never want her to leave, I know in order for her to become the woman God has created her to be, she must.  I know I will stay this mixed emotional mess for a time.  And even as I will walk April down the aisle and give her to Dylan, along with my blessing to go and become the best married couple they can be.  It’s because I love my daughter that I will put her happiness above my own; it’s just what we dads do.  Please pray for me.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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