Thursday, December 20, 2012

Me And My Merry Band Of Misfits

This is one of my favorite images from The Lord of the Rings movies.  I love it because it is a picture of my life so to speak.  An interesting group of different individuals traveling a path together towards a common goal.

Several years ago, I began to put together a group of men who I felt could help me in my journey with the Lord, and in return I could offer my strength to their lives as well.  The invitation went out to ten men, asking them to join, and six accepted.  Since then, we've added one more to our merry band of misfits as we've continued on our lives together.

One of the things that I so love about this picture is the fact that each one these characters who are pictured are not all the same.  There is a wizard, two men, a dwarf, an elf and four hobbits.  Each one bringing a different something to the table through their personalities, viewpoints, appetites, etc.  And that is what I looked for when inviting men into my life.  A good friend of mine has said numerous times, "If two of you are just alike, then one of you is not needed."  How true, that is what we need in our lives, others who perhaps think differently than ourselves and will tell us the truth.

Every man needs a group of friends to hold him accountable, tell him the truth (even when he doesn't want to hear it) and to be there for him in times of trouble.  I was thinking about Jesus, even He had a group surrounding Him while He was here on the earth.  And before you go all spiritual on me, yes He was making disciples out of those men, but I believe that He also needed men around Him for companionship and camaraderie too.  Even the best can't do this alone.

I want to share a short glimpse into my life from a dark day where I was glad to have my band of brothers with me.  The day of my youngest son's funeral, at the grave-site, I had drank too much water and really had to pee.  The only problem was there were no facilities anywhere close and wouldn't be for close to thirty minutes.  Unfortunately my bladder was not going to wait, so spotting a mound of dirt a couple of hundred feet from the grave I motioned for my buddies to come to me.  Explaining the situation, I asked them to form a shield around me so that I could relieve myself.

With their backs to me, I let nature take its course and after what seemed to be at least five minutes was able to return to the group of people standing around.  Everyone there thought that I had called my buddies to console me, none of them knowing what the real purpose was until later.  Each of those guys told me afterwards that they hadn't signed up to do that, and to expect their letters of resignation from the group.  And I look back on that with a grin now.

Seriously, each of those men were there for me in my family's time of need, and I love each one of them.  Do we all like the same things?  No, but we are there for each other when needed, and I would not want to walk this path alone.  It's awesome to have men like this in my life, and it is something that we all need, we just have to go out and develop it,because it won't come on its own no matter how bad we want it to.

If you are walking alone right now, let me suggest that you find men around you that you would like to get to know, pray and ask Jesus to show you these men and then invite them to lunch and get to know them.  Then take a little time, invest in their lives and watch what happens.  Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King.

Oh, and if you'd like more information, email me:

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