Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Questioning Jesus? Seriously?

I've been talking with the Lord lately about how He talked with people in the Bible. I'm curious to see if God showed up in the flesh, or if it was a still small voice in their hearts. I really want to know, because I think it would help me to have a better relationship with Him. This morning I was reading the account of Saul's conversion which takes place in Acts 9, and I found something very interesting.

In Acts 9:10 - 19 we find the account of Ananias, the disciple of Jesus who went and laid his hands on Saul resulting in him being healed of blindness. The thing that I found really interesting is in verse 13 and 14 where he questions Jesus. The Lord has just told him what to do, but he in turn says, "Whoa, wait a minute. You do realize that this guy has come here to imprison Christians, right?" How many times have you questioned Jesus about something that you felt He impressed on you?

I mean come on, vision or no vision this is still a little bit of a scary proposition for Ananias don't you think? But what is so beautiful in this passage is that Jesus doesn't act like the great and all powerful Oz yelling, "I AM JESUS, OBEY ME!" No, Jesus listened to Ananias's question, and then answers him back in a true conversational way. This just blows me away to say the least. Jesus isn't forcing His will on us, He really is wanting to have a relationship with us. Only a God secure in who He is would do that, don't you think? I mean why else would He have a conversation like that with Ananias?

This just goes to show me one more time that God is wanting a relationship with me, not just another servant. And I don't know about you, but that makes me feel amazing this morning. I think that I will not be afraid to question Jesus in the future. Because I know that in doing so, He will answer my question in order to help me see what it is that I need to do. Oh, and then I'll need to do it. Think of what would have happened if Ananias had never gotten around to going to see Saul, we might not have 2/3 of the New Testament now.

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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