Thursday, October 27, 2011

Look Out World, Here I Come!

Today marks another of many "firsts" in my life, I start a new job this morning. I have officially been unemployed since September4, 2011 and while that time was a little uncomfortable, I enjoyed staying home and playing house dad for a while. Although I will admit that I was itching to get back into the workforce, and that was a revelation that kind of surprised me.

Today I will be joining the Paragon Industries in Sapulpa, Oklahoma in the receiving department. What does that mean exactly? I have no idea, but in a few short hours I will find out. And that is what brings me to writing this morning. The unknown. How do you feel going into something when you don't know what it all entails? Do you find it exciting, fearful or maybe a mixture of both? For me, it is the mixture of both, the excitement of doing something you've never done before, meeting new people and that little bit of fear in your gut that you will be able to accomplish the things that are asked of you.

One thing that I know for sure, is that God is with me and that helps me to know that I can jump right in and begin to learn the job. He is with me, but not only that He has gone before me to prepare a place for me as well. Yeah, yeah I know Jesus was talking about in Heaven when He said that, (John 14:2) but I think it applies here as well. He wants me to do a good job there, and He has seen to it that I am in the place He wants me at this time.

All I know is this, today is the day that I start out on a new path laid out for me by my Father. I was thinking about Joseph, and how he got to the place that God had for him to be. Many people look at that story and see all the hardship that Joseph went through, sold into slavery by his family, lied about by his boss's wife, thrown into prison and forgotten. But in the end, in a matter of minutes actually, he became the ruler of the greatest nation on the planet, subject only to Pharaoh himself and no one else. Ending up seeing his family actually come and bow before him just as the dreams God had given him so many years before said they would.

This job, while a good one for me, and I am thankful for it, is not the end job that God has for me. I know that there is something else inside of me that He wants me to do, but with this job I am being prepared for it, just as Joseph was being prepared all of those years before he came to stand before Pharaoh. I guess the moral of Joseph's story is are we willing to suffer a little indignity to ourselves and learn the lessons set before us in order that we might do the work God has for us to do? I know, that I am patterning this time in my life after Joseph, so look out world, here I come!

Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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