Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What Are You Afraid Of?

I was reading a passage of Scripture this morning found in Acts. It's the story of the Apostle Paul's journey to Rome aboard a sailing ship that found itself in a two week storm. The words that jumped out at me today are found in Acts 27:35; "Then he took some bread, gave thanks to God before them all, and broke off a piece and ate it."

What struck me by this was the thought that there was a time when I was eating in public that I would not pray over my food for fear of what the other people in the dining establishment would think. I don't know why, but the act of closing my eyes, bowing my head and giving thanks for the food I was about to eat just terrified me. Which really, if you know me, is interesting because I really don't care what anyone thinks about me.

Obviously it was a testing time in my life, because I have no fear of that now, and will be the first to call for prayer if we're in a big group. I remind my children when they sit down to eat at home, if I don't hear them pray, and I don't hesitate to close my eyes and thank my Lord for His provision. I remember going to my Great Grandparents house, my mother's people, when I was a young boy. It was Poppy's house, and hanging in the kitchen was this painting of an older woman with her Bible open and some bread and cheese on the table too. This picture represents to me, someone who is unashamed of who she is, and willingness to thank the Lord for His provision to her.
I think during that time, the Lord was testing me to see if I would in fact be willing to put myself aside, and let others watch me place myself in a position of thanksgiving to Him for the provision that He was giving me. At first, I wouldn't close my eyes or bow my head, but would say a quiet prayer of thanks hoping that no one would notice me. One thing that really makes me smile is when I see other families out to eat and they lead their little ones in giving thanks. One time, after I finished my meal, I walked right up to the dad and said, "Well done, teaching your children to pray in public like that."
Here's the thing, if Jesus was willing to be hung on a cross, beaten, naked and for all the world to see, how can I be embarrassed to bow my head, close my eyes and give thanks to the man who provides my every meal? Just a thought...get 'em up folks, let's go out and whip something for the Kingdom today!

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