Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Word Euphoria Doesn't Even Begin To Explain It

The definition of the word "Euphoria" is: "A feeling of great happiness or well-being." I experienced this word in spades yesterday when my son called to tell me that the Pastor of my church had been located, and that he was okay.

Just two days earlier, my Pastor had turned up missing. He left to go home and get a book, only to not return. It was strange, and not like him at all to do something like this, so I along with the rest of my friends at church were bewildered to be sure when we heard the news.

Thursday night, we had a prayer vigil at church, and the outpouring of love and support that could tangibly be felt there was amazing. Yet as I awoke on Friday, and began my Bible reading and prayer time I had to fight the negative thoughts of what the day would bring. I was challenged to believe anything good for sure, but forged on ahead with the knowledge that my God is a good God, and that they prayers we had prayed would be answered.

When my son called to tell me the news, my heart was elated! To say that I was euphoric is an understatement! I wanted to laugh, I wanted to cry and I wanted to dance; all at the same time. You just don't know how amazing it was to be hearing that my Pastor was okay.

In the next few minutes, all across facebook, word began to go from person to person, and electronic shouts of praise could be read all day long. Yesterday was one of those days that I will remember for years to come; the day that my God answered the prayers of my church family in a big way, and like my Pastor has been telling us all year long, "God wants to show Himself strong!" And boy did He!

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