Friday, March 27, 2009

Life Gets In The Way

You know today I was working on a message that I'm going to share with a men's group next week. It's all about how it is important that as men we have a band of brothers that we can depend on.

As I was writing my thoughts down, I realized that I was going to tell the men that one of the things that they need to do to make it work is to be sure and find time for each other outside of church and bible studies.

I for one, have a real hard time making this happen, although I am making better strides at this year than ever before. It's just that it seems that life is always getting in the way.

I mean you want to get together with a couple of buddies and hang out around a campfire, but you've gotta do something at work that takes all night, or you have work around the house to get to. It always seems to be something.

What I've done that has really helped this year is to actually schedule my times of hanging out with my buddies. I don't take it for granted that we'll get together, I make it a priority and put it down in my scheduler...and you know what? I'm finding that life is not getting in the way nearly as much now...

Okay, so there's that...strength and honor.....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Tribute To One of My Fathers in the Faith

On Sunday March 15, 2009 a great man passed from this life to the next. Richard Large is his name, and I say “is” because while he may not be here on this planet any longer, he is in the presence of Jesus very much alive and well.

I met Richard on an Easter Sunday in 1987 at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship in Muskogee, Oklahoma. I had decided to go to church that Easter because of a girl that I was dating at the time. (Okay, so God uses foolish things.) I remember thinking that if I was going to go to church, I had better buy some dress clothes and a Bible, so I did just that, and on that Easter Sunday, I marched right into that church full of bravado and arrogance, finding a seat that was right in front of the podium, thinking to myself, “I bet this guy doesn’t know anything more than I know about God, so we’ll just see what he has to say.”

You must understand, I grew up in the Methodist church learning all the mechanics of what Jesus did by dieing on the cross and being raised from the dead on the third day. What I didn’t learn was at the heart of why Jesus did that for us through His sacrifice. It was precisely that which Richard spoke about that day.

I must have looked pretty silly when my chin hit my chest that morning, because he did show me things that I had never seen before. I continued going to church after that every time the doors were open, and it wasn’t too many weeks later while we were at an after church fellowship that he did something which completely changed my mind about Christianity forever. While we were fellowshipping around the dining room table that night, I asked if anyone would mind if I lit up a cigarette. (I was a two pack smoker then.) Richard and his wife Ducky looked right at me, and with love in their eyes said, “No, not at all.”

That one sentence was the beginning of what changed my life. It so shocked me that I forgot to light up. I did ask Richard however, “What is this born again thing that you are always talking about?” And he instructed me to go get my Bible out of my car and he would show me. I’m pretty sure that they all began to pray for me as I left the room.

When I returned he had me to turn to Romans 10:9-10 and read it to the group, which I did. He then began to explain what these scriptures meant. I didn’t ask Jesus to be my Lord right then, but that night as I sat cross legged on my bed, I re-read those scriptures over and over until I finally decided that this was for me. I confessed Jesus as my Lord and Saviour right there on my bed and was catapulted from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light.

I continued to serve at Hillcrest Christian Fellowship for many more years working on the praise and worship team, in children’s ministry and with the youth. I met my wife Cheryl there and it was Richard who performed our wedding ceremony. There are two things that I remember vividly about Richard Large, and they are 1) whenever listening to a teacher, or studying the Bible never take anyone’s word for anything, always find at least two or three witnesses for everything (this is something that has kept me from trouble on more than one occasion) and 2) Plod on, Plod on, Plod on. (This was a poem that Richard wrote. It had only six words in the stanza, but you could repeat as many stanzas as you needed until the situation you were in was resolved.)

Richard Large was a great man, one without whom I probably would have never accepted Jesus. He is the first Pastor I ever had, and has always had a special place in my heart. I will miss him, even though we haven’t spoken in years. I look forward to the day when I will be able to sit with him and share once more how grateful I am for all he did for me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

You are more than you think you are...

I've been pondering some stuff lately and one of those things is that we are definately more than we think we are. If we are not careful, we will only see one view of ourselves, and that is from the outside in.

There is a danger in only looking from the outside in, and that is that the outside changes from day to day. I mean think about it, how'd you look 20 years ago? I know that I was in a completely different shape 20 years ago than I am now.

What we have to train ourselves to do is to look at ourselves like God looks at us, from the inside out. When God looks at us, He sees the Jesus in us. And the really exciting thing is that while we are changing on the outside (usually for the worse) on the inside we are getting better and better, as long as we are being doers of God's Word.

We have to begin to see ourselves as He sees us. We have to find those scriptures that talk about who we are in Christ, and then begin to say that about ourselves, because after all that is the truth. There are approx. 130 scriptures in the New Testament that tell you who you are, what you have and what you can do in Christ. Find them, and begin to say that about yourself and you will see your inside man (the real you) begin to rise up and be what God says you are.

We are definately more than we think we are....we are what God's Word says we are....strength and honor....
