Monday, September 8, 2008

Friggin' ~ Flippin' ~ Freakin' ~ What the?

What has our society become? I mean really, have you taken a long hard look at it recently? I was around a twenty-something and his Grandmother today. She must have said "friggin" at least a dozen times.

I don't really know why I dislike these euphemisms (yōō'fə-mĭz'əmz), (Here is the definition for those of you who don't know this word: n. The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive.) maybe it's because if I was to hear the word that was being substituted it would go up my backside as well. I don't know, it just seems vulgar to hear them being used, and by a Grandmother no less.

I think it really irritates me because it is just one more way that we are throwing decency and morality out the window. We say that we use these words as descriptive words in our vocabulary, but what do they really describe? Let's look at them; "Flippin" that means to flip. "Freakin" means to freak. And "Friggin", well I don't know what it means to frig....

These are words that were hardly used even five years ago, yet now I hear them on a daily basis, and truthfully it disgusts me. I don't know what to do to get us back to a better time. I mean I have to get onto my children a lot about the use of these euphemisms, and they tell me that they don't mean anything. I find that hard to believe....maybe I've just become an old coot...

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