Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What Were You Created To Do?

Isaiah 6:1-3 "In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another:  

“Holy, holy , holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

A few days ago, I was having a conversation with a young man and we were talking about our place in the world and what God wanted us to do with our lives.  During the course of our talking together the passage in Isaiah came up.  He asked me, "Don't you think that those creatures ever get tired of doing what they're doing and want to do something different?"

As I thought about his question, I found myself saying to him, "Not at all.  You see they were created for just that one thing.  And when you are doing what you are created to do, then you never get bored with it, or want to change and do something else.  Because you are doing exactly what you were created to do."

The conversation ended, and we went our separate ways, but I continued to think about what I had said to him.  It was one of those moments when the Holy Spirit had revealed something to my heart, and I had spoken about one of the mysteries of the Kingdom by revelation, and not from my own knowledge.  And the truth of what was revealed to me that day is astounding.

There are all kinds of people who are in the world doing all kinds of things with their lives. There are those kids who finish high school and go to college seeking an education so that they can go out and make lots of money, and become someone in this world.  And don't get me wrong, I don't think there is anything bad about getting an education.  What I find is contradictory about education is when young people go after it in order to chase the dream of what they think will make them happy.  And the truth of what will make you happy and satisfied in this life is if you are doing what you have been created to do.

I have told my kids since they were old enough to understand me that I didn't care what they did with their lives, as long as they followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and did what God created them to do.  I have not pushed my agenda for what I think they should be doing with their lives, instead their mother and I have encouraged them to find out from the Lord what they are supposed to be doing and go and do just that.  And praise God that is what they are doing.

Because the truth of the matter is, no matter what God has created you to do, if you are doing it you will be satisfied, have the supply which you need to make it and never once be unhappy with your life.  And there are so many unhappy people in this world, mostly because they are chasing the dream of what they think will make them happy, instead of finding that thing which God created them to be and doing that.  And we can never truly be happy, satisfied and blessed unless we are doing what we have been created to do.

You might ask then how do I find out what I have been created to do?  First I would suggest that you talk with God about it.  Just ask Him.  The Bible is very clear that if we lack wisdom we should ask God and He will give it to us.  (James 1:5)  The second thing that I have often encouraged men to do is to get alone somewhere and think about what it is that makes you come alive on the inside.  You know, that thing that if money were no object you would make every effort to go and do.  That is a clue to what you were created to do, and sometimes it has been hidden by years of doing things you were not created to do.

Of course we have to weigh these things out and compare them to Scripture and make sure they are not contradictory to what God's Word says either.  I have known people who have taken this out of context, left their jobs and run to do what God created them to do and in the process have lost everything.  We have to use a little wisdom here too.  Talk to God about what you should be doing, get a plan to work towards that goal.

For instance, what makes me come alive, and the thing that God has created me to do is to write and help people discover the things of God.  So for some time now I have been moving in that direction with my life.  But, I have not quit my job and stayed home to write a best selling novel, no I get up every morning and go to work.  You see, I have responsibilities which I have to meet in order to continue eating and living in my home and providing for my family.  But I do work towards my goal of following what the Lord has created me for every day, looking for opportunities to achieve this little by little.  Remember our life is run like a marathon, not a sprint.  

So do that, ask the Lord what He created you to do, find those things that make you come alive and then begin to follow after them.  And what you will see is that one day you will be doing that thing that you were created to do, and you will be very content in your life.  Strength and honor for the Kingdom and the King!

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