Friday, June 17, 2011

Take The Hit But Keep Moving Forward

As I was mowing my grass this morning before going to work, I was thinking and praying in tongues about my church family, and how much of a blessing it has been to sit under the teaching of David Emigh for the last eighteen years. When an image from the movie "Rocky Balboa" flashed into my mind. Take a look at it:

That is where we as a church family find ourselves today, we've taken a hit and it has driven us to the ground. The loss of Pastor David is a profound one that hurts and has left us all shaken to our core. But as Rocky said, "It's ain't about how hard you hit, it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. It's about how much you can take and keep moving forward." Family, we can keep moving forward, or we can stay on the ground and let the enemy win.

We have a right to cry, we have a right to be sad, but we also need above all, to stay in faith. We must stay close to the Father in this time and let the Holy Spirit do what He does best, comfort us when we hurt. I won't lie and tell you this time in our lives will be easy, or even very much fun. But I will continue, as I hope you will, to encourage one another and keep moving forward.

My friend Pastor Daniel Shirley penned this yesterday on his Facebook page, "Today Pastor David has a little better view of the fruit of his labors, but it's not all in yet. Pastor, we'll get the rest of it." Better words could not be said about what our job is now. Let's do this work family!

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