Monday, March 12, 2012

I Witnessed A Transformation Yesterday

I have a very dear friend who is a worship leader at my church. She has a beautiful voice, and when she first came to us from her home town I would try and encourage her to hold the microphone up closer to her mouth so we could hear her voice better. She was timid and shy about using her gift, and probably thought I was being mean to her each time I said something about it.

Mallory is also a good friend of my oldest son Micah, and when the two of them would sing together, there was something in my heart that would leap. I loved hearing the two of them harmonize and worship the Lord. Micah left this past January to go to Australia and attend college for a year at Hillsong. One thing I've noticed, is that when the two of them would sing together she would take cues from Micah so I wondered how this would affect Mallory.

Yesterday as we entered into worship, I was particularly drawn to watching her for some reason. As I sang praises to God, there was something in Mallory that I hadn't seen until then, and it was amazing. It was like a transformation of sorts. What I witnessed yesterday was the worshiper that God has placed inside of Mallory finally breaking forth. It was truly like she became a different person on the stage, different than that timid little girl I remember from so many years ago, into this amazing woman of God with a voice to match.

I know that she may in fact hate that I have written about her in my blog, but I witnessed a transformation yesterday that truthfully left me speechless and I had to write about it. I am so proud of the woman that you are becoming Mallory and if you didn't know how I felt then I hope that my blog has help you to see how truly amazed and proud of you I am.

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